9. Physical Pricing Setting
Input Physical Trades Data
The New Physical Trade function allows users from different departments/teams to access the designated pages to input their data, ensuring a consistent operational workflow and clear delegation of responsibilities for different teams.
Please note that all data input in New Physical Trade will appear in the old Physical Trade page, and vice versa. Trades created in the New Physical Trade page will have their Actions column button disabled, which disallows editing of the trades in the old Physical Trade page.
Alternatively, you may choose to use the old methods to input your data: 1. Manually input physical trades, please access: Input Physical Trades Manually 2. Bulk upload physical trades, please access: Physical Trades 101 - Bulk Upload |
9. Physical Pricing Setting
This section allows you to set up your physical trade pricing index (Benchmark & MTM - pricing mode = Float/Ave, WMA & Spot) here, which will be required if you want to do