Physical Trades 101 - Bulk Upload
1. Set up Company Profile
Settings>Company>Company Profile
As the physical trade contracts need to be linked to the Company Name, before you use the Physical Trades function, you may need to set up your company profile first (including parent and subsidiary company details).
The user can set up a company, or multiple companies, and the first company to input in the page has to be the Parent Company. A company can have many groups under its management, and many group members can be invited under each group. The data input by each group member can be shared to and used by other members in the same group. Please refer to for more details.
You may also notify MAF team ( to assist you to set up your company profile, by filling in the attached file.
a. Please select one member to be the Company Profile Creator to set up the company profile (to be decided by your team). This user will manage any administrative related matters in the portal on behalf of the company.
Once the Company Profile Creator has login to the portal, please click on Settings>Company>Company Profile.
b. Please input the details (only fields with * are compulsory) and click on Save Details once done. Relevant fields input in this page will appear in the Physical Trades function for your convenience. Once members have been added to the same group as the Company Profile Creator, the members' Company Profile page will be auto filled according to that of the Company Profile Creator, so the members need not input the company profile on their own. Please refer to for more details.
For more information, please access Company Profile .
2. Input/Upload Physical Trades
You may choose to:
1. Manually input physical trades, please access:
2. Bulk upload physical trades, please refer to below step 1 and 2.
Step 1: Physical Pricing Setting - Trades>Physical Trades>Physical Pricing Setting
This section allows you to set up your physical trade pricing index (Benchmark & MTM Pricing - pricing mode = Float/Ave, WMA & Spot) here, which will be required if you want to bulk upload your physical trades. The pricing index allows you to use a product and benchmark its price against the purchase or sale pricing of the contract so as to better calculate the positions and P/L before the contract is complete (have actual price and quantity). You will thus be able to decide which contract (without actual price yet) should be matched to which particular product's pricing in order to price the contract and calculate the P/L more accurately. If your contract has fixed or actual price, there is no need to create a pricing index, you may just input the fixed price accordingly.
In the MAF Excel template that you have downloaded, if your trade has fixed/actual price, you may input the price under Fixed Price and Fixed Pricing Currency. If fixed/actual price is not available yet, you may follow Step 1 and input the Pricing Code under Benchmark Pricing and MTM Pricing column.
a. Please click on Trade, followed by Physical Trade from the navigation sidebar on the left to enter the physical trade page,
and click on the Physical Pricing Setting tab.
b. Logic:
Each contract should have two pricing methods, Benchmark and MTM (Potential) Pricing.
Benchmark Pricing is the price at which you buy or sell
MTM (Potential) Pricing is to price for inventory, so if benchmark pricing is Buy, MTM pricing will be Sell to close the positions
Every deal’s MTM (Potential) Pricing will be the same.
The following pricing modes apply for both Benchmark Pricing and MTM (Potential) Pricing:
i. Fixed Price: If your contract has fixed/actual price, please select FIX from the Pricing Mode drop down list and fill in the fixed/actual price
ii. Floating Price (no fixed price): If your contract has no fixed/actual price yet, you may choose to select an index (“Float/Average”, “Whole Month Average(WMA)”,”Spot“ or “Formula”) to benchmark the pricing of your trades, where data will be obtained automatically from the market data (integrated from various Exchange sources) in the system to calculate the P/L of your positions. Once the trades are executed and prices have been confirmed, you may proceed to Trade Execution to input the final actual quantity and price, which will be automatically updated in portfolios to calculate the P/L.
For example: for a purchase/sale contract, fixed price is not available yet so there is only a floating price (you may select the product in Benchmark Pricing and MTM Pricing to price the contracts). The benchmark price of the purchase contract uses LME products, and the sale contract - MTM (Potential) pricing uses SHFE products so since the prices are different, there will be a difference in P/L. Once available, please fill in the actual price and the actual quantity to settle the contract accurately.
c. Please click on Add Row to add a new row and input the details accordingly to determine which product should be used to price which contracts.
Once this setting is configured, you will be able to input the Pricing Code in the Benchmark Pricing and MTM Pricing columns in the Bulk Trade Upload file. Once uploaded, your contracts' pricing will be matched directly to the product (based on Pricing Code) you have matched them with. Cells in red are compulsory fields.
Benchmark/MTM Pricing Page - Description: (Only fields with * sign is compulsory; fields with ^ means that once you have selected the pricing mode, the relevant fields will be updated accordingly)
Pricing Code*:Pricing code name must be unique and is defined by you as a way to identify the product’s pricing details. So if Benchmark Pricing and MTM Pricing use the same products, you will need to name them differently, eg Benchmark - Copper, MTM - Copper
MAF Product ID*:Product name
Pricing Mode*:Float/Average, WMA or Spot (more information below)
You may click on the drop down list under MAF Product ID to determine the Product Type (forward/futures/spot/forex), and based on the Product Type, select the Pricing Mode (WMA/Float/Spot/Formula):
a. If Product Type is FORWARD, please select FLOAT/AVE and input the Pricing Period (Pricing Start and Pricing End Date) only. For instance, LME 3M contract is specific to a certain start and end date. Some examples include LEAD 3M, ZINC 3M etc.
b. If Product Type is Futures, please select WMA and input the Month and Year only. Some examples include LEAD, ZINC etc.
c. If Product Type is Forex or Spot, please select Spot and you do not need to input month, year or date. Some examples include LEAD 3M Rolling, ZINC CASH etc.
Trade Type*: Benchmark (purchase or sale pricing method) Pricing or Potential/MTM (inventory pricing) Pricing
Premium/Discount: Premium/Discount
Pricing Start^:Required for forward products
Pricing End^:Required for forward products
Month^: Contract month, required for futures products
Year^: Contract year, required for futures products
Tax Rate: Tax rate of the contract, if it is 13%, please input “13” and your P/L will be calculated deducting/excluding/net of tax rate. If you leave this field empty, your P/L will be calculated including tax rate.
Please refer to below Step 2 (Bulk Trades Upload) and input the Pricing Code as set up in Step 1 into the Benchmark Pricing and MTM Pricing column to price the trades.
Set up Pricing Code as SUGAR WMA (Benchmark Pricing) and SUGAR MTM (MTM/Potential Pricing) in Physical Pricing Setting page as follows:
Once saved, please input the Pricing Code as SUGAR WMA (Benchmark Pricing) and SUGAR MTM (MTM/Potential Pricing) in the Bulk Trade Upload table as mentioned in Step 2 below. Once uploaded and saved successfully, the system will calculate your P/L accordingly. This means that your contract will use SUGAR WMA for the benchmark pricing and SUGAR MTM for the MTM pricing to calculate your P/L.
Summary: WMA represents the floating price of futures products, which follows the price change of the futures contract. WMA represents the floating price of forward products, which follows the price change of the forward contract. Spot is also a floating price, but it corresponds to the daily spot index price, and there is no futures contract. Depending on the structure of the contract, you can determine if it belongs to Float, WMA or Spot. If the Product Group is Iron Ore, you may select Formula to calculate the pricing. |
All paper and physical trades pricing logic is as follows: To determine which Pricing Mode to use, you may double click on the MAF Product ID/Product field to determine the "Product Type" (forward/futures/spot/forex):
Step 2:Bulk Trades Upload - Trade>Physical Trade>Bulk Trades Upload
a. Please click on Trade>Physical Trade from the navigation sidebar on the left to enter the page, followed by Bulk Trade Upload to enter the physical trades upload page.
b. Please click on 'Download Template' and fill in the details as necessary. You may also click on the Add Row button to see the compulsory fields which will be highlighted in red for reference before inputting data in the Excel template, or to input the data manually.
In the Excel template:
If your trade has fixed/actual price, you may input the price under Fixed Price and Fixed Pricing Currency.
If fixed/actual price is not available yet, you may follow Step 1 above and input the Pricing Code under Benchmark Pricing and MTM Pricing column.
Description (Only fields with * sign is compulsory)
AUTO TTD (Top right corner):
Tick:Will auto fill Title Transfer Date based on Trade Date
Untick:You may fill in Title Transfer Date
Trade Date*:The trade date of the contract will be automatically displayed in this table for easy reference.
Deal ID:Input is not necessary, once you have saved your deal/contract, Deal ID will automatically be generated
Deal No. *:A deal includes one or more purchase and sale contracts. All purchase and sale contracts allocated to the same deal number will be matched with each other to calculate the net positions and P/L. Deal number is also considered a portfolio/trading book, and can be found in the Portfolio page.
Trader:Name of trader
Trade Mode *:
Offshore refers to offshore contracts - Cannot input for Tax Rate, Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
Domestic China - Can input Tax Rate, cannot input Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
Delivery China - Can input Tax Rate, cannot input Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
Import/Export refers to import/export contracts - Can input Tax Rate, Exchange Rate (If Deal Currency and Product Currency are different) and Custom Tax Rate
Basis Trade China - Can input Tax Rate, cannot input Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
If an offshore company imports/exports, there are 3 trades contracts involved:
Offshore companies purchase from suppliers - Offshore
Offshore companies sell to domestic companies (exported by offshore companies) - Import/Export
Domestic companies purchase from offshore companies (imported by domestic companies) - Import/Export
Contract No.:Every purchase and sale contract will have their own contract number
Execution No. *:Trade execution number. Under each contract, there may be multiple trade executions due to different pricing methods and different transportation logistics. The trade execution number is used to distinguish each trade’s execution details. If there is only one trade execution, the trade execution number can be the contract number, this field can be input/edited directly in the table
For Example:
Deal No.
Contract No. 1
Trade Execution No. 1.1
Trade Execution No. 1.2
Contract No. 2
Trade Execution No. 2
Purchase/Sale*:Purchase/Buy or Sale/Sell
Entity of Contract*:Name of your company (can be input in Settings>Company>Company Profile page)
Counterparty*:Counterparty name
Counterparty Reference No.:Counterparty reference number,can be input/edited directly in the table
Product*:Product name, for example Corn
Specification:Product specification, you may fill in for your reference if necessary, eg Product is Rubber and specification is XX1, can be input/edited directly in the table
Category:Category is used to group various contracts. For example, in the spot copper contract, the varieties (category) may include standard copper and non-standard copper. By categorising them separately, you will be able to determine the positions and P/L of each category - standard copper and non-standard copper, can be input/edited directly in the table
Quantity*:Contract quantity
Unit*:Unit of contract/product eg metric ton
Deal Currency*:Deal’s settlement currency
Payment Date:Payment Date
Title Transfer Date:Title Transfer Date, if you did not input, it will remain as empty or auto-filled with the trade’s Trade Date if AUTO TTD is ticked or selected, can be input/edited directly in the table
Inco Term:INCO Term
Port/WH Name:Port/Warehouse name
Benchmark Pricing^:If fixed/actual price is not available yet, please input the Pricing Code with Trade Type: Benchmark as set up in Step 1. If fixed/actual price is available, please leave this field empty and input in Fixed Price column instead.
Fixed Price^:If fixed/actual price is available, please input the price here. You will not be required to fill in Benchmark Pricing column once fixed price is input.
Fixed Pricing Currency^:Please input the fixed price currency if fixed price is available
Tax Rate(%):Tax rate of the contract, if it is 13%, please input “13” and your P/L will be calculated deducting/excluding/net of tax rate. If you leave this field empty, your P/L will be calculated including tax rate. This tax rate is only for fixed pricing, tax rate for benchmark pricing will be input in the Physical Pricing Setting page.
MTM Pricing*:Input the Pricing Code with Trade Type: MTM as set up in Step 1
Actual Quantity :Actual quantity, can be input/edited directly in the table
Estimated Price:Estimated price, if no Actual Price is input, the system will use Estimated Price to calculate P/L. Once you input Actual Price, the system will automatically use Actual Price to calculate P/L instead of Estimated Price. This field can be input/edited directly in the table
Provisional Price:Provisional Price
Actual Price:Actual price
Exchange Rate: Final exchange rate used for calculating P/L. If not filled, system will calculate according to the public exchange rate obtained from Exchange sources. Once you input the exchange rate, the system will use it to calculate P/L. This field can be input/edited directly in the table
Custom Tax Rate:Custom Tax Rate, can be input/edited directly in the table
Delivery Rule:交货准则
Pricing Date:Pricing Date
Pricing Contract :Pricing contract
Doc Date:Date of document
c. Once done, please return to the portal and upload the file by hovering your mouse over the "..." from the top right corner and click 'Upload File'. If no cells are highlighted in red, please click on Save to save your data.
All trades submitted successfully will be displayed in the Physical Trade table. For more information, please refer to
3. Physical Trade Execution
Trades - Physical Trades
In the Trades>Physical Trades>Trades tab, there are 2 tables, the top table will display all physical trades data, whereas the bottom table will display all trade execution data of the physical trades.
In this page, besides bulk uploading your physical trades, you may also click on the + New Trade button to manually input physical trades data or click on the Settings button ('gear' icon) under Action column to access other functions. Please refer to learn more.
You may edit the following fields in the Physical Trades table directly by double-clicking the cells. Please click on Save Changes at the bottom left corner of the table to save the changes.
Delivery Rule
Doc Date
Trades - Physical Trades - Trade Execution List
You may input your physical trade execution data here. For instance, once you have the actual quantity and actual price of your contract, you may input the data directly in the trade execution table, or click on the Edit button ('pen and paper' icon) to enter the trade execution page to input or edit data. Please refer to learn more.
Description (Only fields with * sign is compulsory)
Trade Execution ID:Input is not required, once you save your trade execution data, the Trade Execution ID will be generated automatically
Trade Execution No. *:Under each contract, there may be multiple trade executions due to different pricing methods and different transportation logistics. The trade execution number is used to distinguish each trade’s execution details. If there is only one trade execution, the trade execution number can be the contract number, this field can be input/edited directly in the table
DEAL QTY DSP: Refers to Quantity Discrepancy, there are times when the actual quantity of the purchase and sale contract cannot be matched 100%. For example, you purchase 1001 MT of goods and sold 1001.2 MT of the same goods. But the system is unable to determine if the difference in quantity is correct or due to an input error, so the DEAL QTY DSP will be highlighted in red to remind you to check for discrepancy. Please note that if the trade does not have Actual Quantity, the system will not check so it will not be highlighted in red.
Cases of DEAL QTY DSP in red:
The actual quantity for both purchase and sales contracts are not the same, or
Only the actual quantity for purchase contract is input, but not for the sale contract, and vice versa
Status:Trade status, defined by you
Trade ID:Input is not required, once you save your trade data, the Trade ID will be generated automatically
Trade Date:The trade date of the contract will be automatically displayed in this table for easy reference.
Deal No. :The deal number of the contract will be automatically displayed in this table for easy reference. A deal includes one or more purchase and sale contracts. All purchase and sale contracts allocated to the same deal number will be matched with each other to calculate the net positions and P/L. Deal number is also considered a portfolio/trading book, and can be found in the Portfolio page.
Trade Mode *:
Offshore refers to offshore contracts - Cannot input for Tax Rate, Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
Domestic China - Can input Tax Rate, cannot input Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
Delivery China - Can input Tax Rate, cannot input Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
Import/Export refers to import/export contracts - Can input Tax Rate, Exchange Rate (If Deal Currency and Product Currency are different) and Custom Tax Rate
Basis Trade China - Can input Tax Rate, cannot input Exchange Rate and Custom Tax Rate
Trader:Name of trader, can be input/edited directly in the table
Category:Category is used to group various contracts. For example, in the spot copper contract, the varieties (category) may include standard copper and non-standard copper. By categorising them separately, you will be able to determine the positions and P/L of each category - standard copper and non-standard copper, can be input/edited directly in the table
Contract No.:Every purchase and sale contract will have their own contract number, can be input/edited directly in the table
Pricing Date:Pricing date, can be input/edited directly in the table
Pricing Contract :Pricing contract, can be input/edited directly in the table
Purchase/Sale:Purchase/Buy or Sale/Sell
Counterparty Reference No.:Counterparty reference number,can be input/edited directly in the table
Counterparty:Name of counterparty
Product:Product name, for example Corn, can be input/edited directly in the table
Specification:Product specification, you may fill in for your reference if necessary, eg Product is Rubber and specification is XX1, can be input/edited directly in the table
For the spot brand in the spot contract, the product specification information is non-important information, and more information is filled in for the convenience of retrieval, such as corn starch, can be input/edited directly in the table
Contract Quantity:Contract quantity, can be input/edited directly in the table
Title Transfer Date:Title Transfer Date, if you did not input, it will remain as empty or auto-filled with the trade’s Trade Date if AUTO TTD is ticked or selected, can be input/edited directly in the table
Payment Date:Payment date, can be input/edited directly in the table
LC Issuing Date: Letter of Credit issuing date
LC Number:Letter of Credit number
Presentation period: Presentation period
Pricing Start :Start date of pricing period
Pricing End:End date of pricing period
Formula Name:If you use FORMULA pricing as the pricing mode for your trade, the formula name will be displayed here
Formula:If you use FORMULA pricing as the pricing mode for your trade, the formula will be displayed here
WMT:Wet Metric Ton
DMT:Dry Metric Ton
FE%:Iron %
MOIS%:Moisture %
Provisional Quantity:Provisional Quantity
Provisional Price:Provisional price, can be input/edited directly in the table
Actual Quantity :Actual quantity, can be input/edited directly in the table
Pre-Final Quantity:System will auto-calculate, please refer to below Calculations Formula details
Price Unit:Product unit eg metric ton
Estimated Price:Estimated price, if no Actual Price is input, the system will use Estimated Price to calculate P/L. Once you input Actual Price, the system will automatically use Actual Price to calculate P/L instead of Estimated Price. This field can be input/edited directly in the table
Actual Price:Actual price, can be input/edited directly in the table
Premium/Discount: Premium/Discount, can be input/edited directly in the table
Pre-Final Price :System will auto-calculate, please refer to below Calculations Formula details
Pre-Final Price Before Tax :System will auto-calculate, please refer to below Calculations Formula details
Final Price :System will auto-calculate, please refer to below Calculations Formula details
Tax Rate(%):Tax rate of contract, if “13%”, please input “13”
Priced In:System will auto-display, please refer to below Calculations Formula details
TRUE:If Estimated Price or Actual Price is input
FALSE:If Estimated Price or Actual Price is not input yet
Exchange Rate: Final exchange rate used for calculating P/L. If not filled, system will calculate according to the public exchange rate obtained from Exchange sources. Once you input the exchange rate, the system will use it to calculate P/L. This field can be input/edited directly in the table
Custom Tax Rate:Custom Tax Rate, can be input/edited directly in the table
Cargo Value:System will auto-calculate, please refer to below Calculations Formula details
Cargo Value Before Tax:System will auto-calculate, please refer to below Calculations Formula details
Remarks:Remarks, can be input/edited directly in the table
Calculations Formula - If the relevant data has been input previously in physical trades page, the system will automatically calculate:
Calculation formulas - If the relevant data has been entered, the system will automatically calculate these:
PRE-FINAL QTY = ACTUAL QUANTITY or CONTRACT QTY: If ACTUAL QTY has been input, ACTUAL QTY will be displayed. Otherwise, CONTRACT QTY will be displayed instead.
PRE-FINAL PRICE = (ACTUAL PRICE or ESTIMATED PRICE) + premium: If ACTUAL PRICE is input, ACTUAL PRICE will be displayed. Otherwise, if ESTIMATED PRICE is input, ESTIMATED PRICE will be displayed instead. It will then be added with PREMIUM to form PRE-FINAL PRICE. If both ACTUAL PRICE and ESTIMATED PRICE are not input yet, this field will remain empty
FINAL PRICE: ACTUAL PRICE + PREMIUM (if actual price has value)
CARGO VALUE = PRE-FINAL PRICE * PRE-FINAL QTY (this is offshore amount, sort of like purchase amount)
CARGO VALUE BEFORE TAX = CARGO VALUE * EXCHANGE RATE + CUSTOM TAX AMOUNT / (1+tax rate) eg cargo value before tax = cargo value (2k) * ex rate (5) + custom tax (10) [10010] / 1.05 (tax rate = 5%) = 9533.33
PRICED IN = TRUE (if actual price or estimated price has value), otherwise will be FALSE
4. General Ledger - Input Funds, Expense & Income Data
Portfolio - General Ledger
a. Please click on 'Portfolio' from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by 'General Ledger' to enter the general ledger page to input data such as expense and income, initial fund, fund in/out and other costs etc. You may directly upload your file and relevant data will be automatically captured, reducing the need to manually input.
b. At the top right corner of the page, hover your mouse over the “…” and click on the broker name to upload your file. The relevant data will be captured and displayed in the table, and you may need to select from the TYPE column to determine if the item is FUNDS IN/OUT, expense/income (EXP/INC) or initial fund (INIT FUND). Please note that if the item is under type EXP/INC, it will be calculated in P/L, but FUNDS IN/OUT will not be calculated in P/L.
Alternatively, you may click on Add Row to input your data manually. Cells highlighted in red are compulsory to be filled. Once done, please click on Save to save your data.
Description (fields with * are compulsory to be filled:
ID:Input is not required, system will auto-generate
Date*:Date of transaction
Fund In: Positive value eg 100
Fund Out: Negative value eg -100
Expenses/Costs:Negative value eg -100
Income:Positive value eg 100
INIT FUND:Initial fund (can support positive and negative value)
Description*:Description of item
GL Details:General ledger details
Please input the negative sign as necessary:
If Type is Income or Fund In: Amount is positive value (+)
If Type is Expense or Fund Out: Amount is negative value (-)
If Type is Initial Fund: Amount is positive value (+) or negative (-)
For example, If Type is Expense, Amount will be -1000
Currency*:Currency of item’s amount
Broker:Broker name; Once you input Company Name to be linked to Broker and Account in Settings>Company>Company Data>Paper Brokers, when you select Broker or Account in the respective functions, the corresponding Account or Broker or Company Name will be auto filled. Please refer to to learn more.
Account:Account name; Once you input Company Name to be linked to Broker and Account in Settings>Company>Company Data>Paper Brokers, when you select Broker or Account in the respective functions, the corresponding Account or Broker or Company Name will be auto filled. Please refer to to learn more.
Company Name:Your company name, if you have multiple companies, please select the company name accordingly. Once you input Company Name to be linked to Broker and Account in Settings>Company>Company Data>Paper Brokers, when you select Broker or Account in the respective functions, the corresponding Account or Broker or Company Name will be auto filled. Please refer to to learn more.
GL CP: General Ledger Counterparty
Invoice Date:Invoice/Receipt Date
Invoice Amount:Invoice Amount
Invoice Number:Invoice number
Tax Rate :If tax rate is 13%, please input 13
Contract No.:Once you select Contract No., you need to select the corresponding portfolio (it will auto fill if your contract number only has 1 portfolio; otherwise you may select from the drop down list). If you want to allocate the item to a contract to be calculated as part of its P/L, please select Contract No. and the corresponding Portfolio (also known as Deal No.). The system will calculate the P/L of the contract accordingly.
Portfolio:Portfolio is required to be filled if Contract No. is selected. Otherwise, it is not required. If you want to allocate the item to a portfolio to be calculated as part of its P/L, please select the corresponding Portfolio (also known as Deal No.) and the system will calculate the P/L of the portfolio accordingly
The 'From' and 'To' dates are set 1 week by default, ranging from 1 week before to today's date. You may adjust the dates and click 'Search' for the data to be filtered and displayed in the table accordingly. Note: The dates you set will remain unchanged unless you log out and re-login, and the dates will reset to default.
Please note: The dates you set will remain unchanged unless you log out and re-login, and the dates will reset to default. You can also utilise the filters function at the top of the table to filter your paper trade. Please refer to to learn more.
5. Create/Manage Quantitative Models & Reports
Dashboard - Individual
You must first input paper trades and physical trades data to generate the following figures:
Please assign the trade/item to tag them to the corresponding portfolio before saving the data. The system will then automatically calculate the positions and P/L according to your data and display in the model/report accordingly.
2. Initial Fund, Fund In/Out data: If necessary, you may input as follows:
Please assign the trade/item to tag them to the corresponding portfolio before saving the data. The system will then automatically calculate the positions and P/L according to your data and display in the model/report accordingly. |
a. After allocating paper trades (and physical trades) into the portfolio, you may create quantitative models and reports to determine the performance of your portfolios/trades. Please click on Dashboard>Individual from the navigation sidebar on the left to access the Dashboard page.
b. Various quantitative models/reports can be created and displayed in the dashboard. If you need to customise any models/reports, please notify us at You can select a model/report in the drop-down list and click 'Create' to create a new model/report.
The model/report you have just created will be displayed as empty at the beginning, which requires you to set up the details by clicking on the Settings (gear icon) button at the top right corner of the app.
Most Dashboard Models/Reports have similar steps. You may choose to select individual or multiple portfolios to be calculated and displayed. Please confirm other details in the Settings page before clicking Submit to proceed. You may edit the details anytime as necessary.
PUB (PUBLIC) MARKET PRICE: If selected, the system will use the public market/settlement price obtained from various Exchange sources to perform calculations
PTY (PRIVATE/PROPRIETARY) MARKET PRICE: If selected, the system will use the proprietary market/settlement price that you have input/uploaded in
Tick: Resets the dates to default once you leave the ‘Dashboard’ page.
Untick: Dates according to your settings remain unchanged once you leave the ‘Dashboard’ page.
Historical GPPL (related to Historical Group P/L app):
The Historical check box in Settings page is used to determine if you want the Compare Date to use Existing Calculated Data or Historical Saved Data for P/L comparison. This means that if you have saved the historical data for the specific End Date, you may:
tick the Historical check box to compare End Date data against Compare Date (use historical saved data) - Compare with historical Group P/L data - Historical Group P/L data will be stored in database on a daily basis and once stored, it will not be updated. (MAF will only update for yesterday data so once user reload the Group P/L app, MAF will insert or update data if the end date is yesterday).
untick the Historical check box to compare End Date data against Compare Date (use existing calculated data) - Compare with Group P/L from open position calculation - Daily change of open position result will always use the latest position data to do calculations
If historical data is not available (no data is saved for the specific End Date), the respective CHG will remain as empty or 0 or the app will display a message (NO VALID OPEN POSITIONS).
For more information, please refer to
Physical Trades App/Reports Lists
Physical Trade Inventory App/Reports Lists
Please refer to to learn more.