Warehouse Function User Guide

Warehouse Function User Guide



You will be able to utilise the Warehouse functions in MAF Cloud by following the steps below:

1. Add Warehouse Details

To access the page, click 'Settings' from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by 'Company' and 'Company Data'.

Click on the "Warehouse" tab, you can input warehouse details by clicking on "Add Row", and filling in the warehouse name (WH NAME), and clicking on "Save Data" to save your data. This is necessary before you can input other warehouse details in the trade execution of each trade.


2. Add Stock In/Out Details in Physical Trade Execution

To access the page, click 'Trade' from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by 'Physical Trade'. Scroll to the bottom to view the Trade Execution table. Please note that you will be required to create physical trade and its trade execution first before you can input the warehouse details in the trade execution page.

You may choose to input the warehouse details:

a. in the Trade Execution table directly or

Scroll to the back of the table to locate the columns and double-click the cell to input the warehouse details accordingly. Please note that if you fill in "WH Record Date", "WH Name" must be filled in too, and vice versa. Otherwise, you may leave it empty.

Click “Save” to save the details.



b. in the edit/view Trade Execution page

Click on the “Edit/View” button of the trade execution in the “Trade Execution List” table.

Tick "Show Warehouse" in the trade execution page and input the warehouse details accordingly. Please note that if you fill in "WH Record Date", "WH Name" must be filled in too, and vice versa. Otherwise, you may leave it empty.

Click “Save” to save the details.


The warehouse details will appear in the Physical Trade Inventory and Inventory Summary in the Dashboard for your perusal.

3. View Stock/Inventory App in Dashboard

To view the stock/inventory app in the Dashboard, click on ‘Dashboard’ from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by ‘Individual’.

Select the Physical Trade Inventory and Inventory Summary app from the drop-down list and click on ‘Create’.

A blank window of the model will appear, click on the ‘Settings’ button (gear icon) to set up your model before it can be displayed.


a. Physical Trade Inventory

The Physical Trade Inventory app provides you with an overview of the outstanding inventory of your physical trades, based on the contract/actual quantity of your trades.

Select ‘Inventory Rule' as ‘Warehouse’ and click on 'Submit’ to view your app.



You may utilise the functions in the header name or right-click in the table to access various functions.


b. Inventory Summary

The Inventory Summary app provides you with a summary of the inventory of your physical trades, based on various inventory rules and period.

Select your portfolio and adjust the details, and click on “Submit” to view your app.

You may utilise the functions in the header name or right-click in the table to access various functions.

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