31 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
Please note that you have to upload the correct language templates eg if you are using the chinese version of the system, you need to upload the chinese upload template (with chinese headers) | Enhancement | - |
29 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Portfolio - Start Date cannot be later than End Date | Enhancement | - |
24 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Paper Trades - Added Portfolio column to allow you to allocate portfolio directly after uploading paper trades | Enhancement | - | |
3. Product Data - Added MAF PRODUCT ID column | Enhancement | - | |
4. Portfolio - Diagnose recalculation bug fixed | Enhancement | - | |
5. Dashboard - Loading speed improved by allowing first few models to load first followed by the rest | Enhancement | - | - |
23 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Portfolio - Close expired paper trades bug fixed | Enhancement | - | |
3. Physical Trades - Exp/Inc table bug fixed for:
| Enhancement | - | |
4. Paper Trades - Bands broker daily statement can support different formats | Enhancement | - | |
5. Proprietary Market Data - OPS CONTRACT:
| Enhancement | - |
trade execution table will have clearer validation message (identify which row has issues when submitting)
21 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Paper Trades -
| Enhancement | - |
17 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Physical Trades -
| Enhancement | - | |
3. Dashboard - Open Positions table can be shared successfully now | Enhancement | | - |
14 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Payment Record - If have validation error at the bottom, dropdown list items will not disappear | Enhancement | - | |
3. Dashboard (Open Position Details table) - Add portfolio column | Enhancement | | - |
4. My Profile - Data Mapping table will allow red cells to be saved | Enhancement | - | - |
13 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New Feature | - | |
2. Portfolio - Add T PLUS column in TRADES table in portfolio page | New Feature | - | |
3. Dashboard - Add “Excl T Plus” tick box to exclude trades with T+1 in the portfolio calculation for:
| New Feature | - | - |
4. Physical Trades - Payment Record (Invoice) - Dropdown list items will disappear after clicking on PDF bug fixed | Enhancement | - | |
5. Demurrage - Add PAYABLE, RECEIVABLE and NET AMOUNT columns in Demurrage Offset List | Enhancement | | - |
10 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Paper Trades - Upload CIMB, CTP, FCStone file bug fixed | Enhancement | - | |
3. Dashboard -
| Enhancement | | - |
4. Physical Trades - Cannot reallocate deal with later trade date to another deal with earlier title transfer date fixed | Enhancement | - |
8 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Demurrage - Final amount decimal point in table and page will be same | Enhancement | | - |
3 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Dashboard - Open model in new window bugs fixed | Enhancement | - | - |
1 DEC 2021 - VERSION
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Dashboard - New “Open Position Details” model is added in Dashboard, which is exactly the same as the Open Positions Table in View Portfolio page.
| New Feature | | - |
3. Dashboard - Group P/L: Add Group field to allow user to select whether Portfolio, Trader, Category or Strategy columns which will be shown in the model.
| Enhancement | | - |
26 NOV 2021 - VERSION 2.4.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
20 NOV 2021 - VERSION 2.4.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - |
19 NOV 2021 - VERSION 2.4.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Dashboard (Portfolio P/L Details app) - Decimal point for SIZE will follow Physical Quantity Decimal Point setting (in My Profile>Layout Setting) | Enhancement | | - |
3. Portfolio - Added a Diagnose button to compare against P/L figure | Enhancement | - |
18 NOV 2021 - VERSION 2.4.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Physical Trades -
| Enhancement | - | |
4. Group - Join group message bug fixed | Enhancement | - | - |
10 NOV 2021 - VERSION 2.4.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
Test Example:
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Dashboard (Position Matrix) - Product with same name bug fixed eg for Copper Cathode SHFE/CU and INE/BC. | Enhancement | | - |
3. Exchange rate decimal points will be displayed by default and not rounded up. | Enhancement | - | - |
9 NOV 2021 - VERSION 2.4.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New Feature | | - |
2. Physical Trades New Features:
| New Feature | - | |
3. Dashboard (Group P/L) - Added a Historical GPPL button,
| New Feature | | - |
29 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
27 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New Feature | - | |
2. Dashboard (FX Exposure) -
| Enhancement | | - |
25 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Physical Trades - Reallocate Deal will reallocate all the associated trade and its expense and income items (from EXPENSE & INCOME table) into the new deal | Enhancement | - | |
3. Physical Trade (Expense & Income Table) - Delete Contract No. bug fixed | Enhancement | - |
22 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement |
| |
2. Physical Trades (Expense & Income Table) -
| Enhancement | - | |
3. Physical Trades -
| Enhancement | - | |
4. Dashboard (FX Exposure Report) -
| Enhancement | | |
5. Dashboard (Hedge Ratio) -
| Enhancement | | - |
6. Portfolio - Expired positions should not appear even after editing Category of paper/physical trades | Enhancement | | - |
15 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Dashboard (Group P/L) - Enable grouping of rows/categories | Enhancement | | - |
3. Dashboard (Hedge Ratio) - Adjustment (ADJ) display bug for master row fixed | Enhancement | | - |
14 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Group - Members available to add count bug is fixed for Admin role | Enhancement | | - |
3. Dashboard FX Exposure Report:
| Enhancement | | - |
4. Dashboard - Hedge Ratio & Group P/L Enhancements:
| Enhancement | | - |
5. Paper Trades - Creating Paper Trades: When uploading brokers' file statement, user can choose to tick H/S to allow the original TRADE TYPE (Hedge/Speculation) to be displayed; if unticked, TRADE TYPE will be Speculation by default | New Feature | - | |
6. Physical Trades - Auto fill-up Title Transfer Date
| New Feature | - |
11 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Subscription - Bugs fixed for:
| Enhancement | | - |
5 OCT 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Hedge Ratio - Enhancements for hedge ratio value when unit is PHYSICAL | Enhancement | | - |
3. Proprietary Market Data - OPEN CONTRACTS button: Click on the OP CONTRACTS button and the product details of open contracts will be displayed for you to input the date and settlement price. | New Feature | - |
29 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Company Data - Auto Running Numbers enhancement:
| Enhancement | | - |
27 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Product Data Mapping - Copy and paste data into Mapping Name bug fixed | Enhancement | | - |
3. Demurrage - Added visible buttons for Rename and Delete, can be performed in addition to right-clicking | Enhancement | |
23 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Demurrage Claims
| Enhancement | | - |
3. Paper Trades - CTP file upload minor bugs fixed | Enhancement |
15 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Demurrage Claims View Page - Copy from Internal Comments and Remarks fixed | Enhancement | | - |
13 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
This is different from Share Dashboard link, which allows any users who may or may not be users of MAF Cloud to access the dashboard (link will expire in 8 hours) and all models in dashboard will be shared. In Group Dashboard, only group members can access the dashboard and only ticked models will be shared. | Enhancement | | - |
2. Physical Trades - New tab called DAILY CHANGE after PHYSICAL PRICING SETTING tab to handle physical trade average pricing daily position change for HEDGE RATIO model
For example, Case 1:
| New Feature |
9 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Hedge Ratio App - New default calculation for Hedge Ratio = Sum (all paper positions with exchanges in China) / sum (rest of the positions) * 100 % Exchanges in China: [SHFE, DCE, ZCE, HXCCE, CFFEX, INE, COTC] | Enhancement | | - |
8 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Physical Trade Deals - MTM Update in Deals tab
| Enhancement | - | |
3. Physical Trade - Duplicate trade
| Enhancement | - | |
4. Dashboard - Hedge Ratio: You may choose to place different products on the numerator or denominator according to your needs. If you did not set up the setting, hedge ratio's calculation will use the default method - sum of negative positions (short positions) / sum of positive positions (long positions) in same portfolio, category and trader. | Enhancement | | - |
5. Demurrage - Remarks in Demurrage Report unsupported text format fixed | Enhancement | |
6 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Dashboard - Group P/L app: Allow user to choose which date to compare with for “Daily Change”. If left empty, the app will automatically use the previous weekday to compare against. | Enhancement | | - |
3. Demurrage - Enhancements made:
| Enhancement | | - |
4. Physical Trade Deals tab - Physical Trade List table has been removed | Enhancement | - | |
5. Physical Trade Execution Table & Expenses/Income table - Drop column to form row group fixed | Enhancement | - | |
6. Portfolio - Recalculate button allows you to choose a start date to select the earliest trade date to recalculate trades from. If empty, the system will use the earliest possible trade date to perform recalculations. | Enhancement | | - |
7. AG Grid tables - Highlight multiple cells and delete issue fixed | Enhancement | - | - |
8. Company Profile - Logo resizing is flexible now | Enhancement | | - |
9. Physical Trade Invoice - Exchange rate’s decimal point set to no limit | Enhancement | | - |
1 SEP 2021 - VERSION 2.4.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Trade Execution - Bulk Exe Update issues fixed:
| Enhancement | - |
31 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Trade Execution - Bulk Exe Update issues fixed
| Enhancement | - | |
3. Physical Trade Table Layout - After deleting template layout, can select new template layout fixed | Enhancement | - |
30 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Table Template Layout bug fixed - After deleting layout template, you can choose another layout immediately | Enhancement | - | - |
3. Physical Trades Table Saved to Cache - If use search bar and update trade execution table, the search bar result will remain in the table until you refresh the page | Enhancement | - | |
4. Demurrage - All inputs will be converted to upper case. You may need to enter each demurrage calculations page and click on “Save Claims” and refresh to view the update | Enhancement | | - |
25 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Paper Trades - Grouping trades bug fixed for options
| Enhancement | | - |
3. Physical Trades bug fixed for Deals - MTM Update: After inputting actual quantity, you can use MTM Update in DEALS tab as per normal | Enhancement | - | |
4. Dashboard - Group P/L app’s daily change column will exclude weekends in its calculations | Enhancement | | - |
23 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New | | - |
2. Paper Trades - Edit grouped trades fixed | Enhancement | - | |
3. Market Data -
| Enhancement | | - |
4. Product Data - Create or update market data fixed | Enhancement | | - |
5. Error Handler fixed:
| Enhancement | - | - |
6. Physical Trades (Deals) - MTM Updates fixed: When user did not input benchmark pricing or MTM pricing for the deal, user will not be able to use MTM Update. So an error will pop up to prompt user to go to one of the trades of the deal to add pricing first. | Enhancement | - | |
7. Proprietary Market Data upload issue fixed | Enhancement | - | |
8. Physical Trade Execution - Estimated Price column is removed from Bulk Exe Update table | Enhancement | - |
18 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Demurrage - MAFLink token will prevent “-” from appearing as the back which will cause error | Enhancement | - | - |
17 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Market Data - Data cannot be duplicated, will show error message | Enhancement | - | - |
3. Group - Unregistered user can join group automatically once he/she clicks on the group invitation email to sign up for an account first. | Enhancement | | - |
12 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Trade Execution - Pre-Final Price and Pre-Final Price before Tax will be shown as 0 if it is 0 instead of empty | Enhancement | - | |
3. Trade Execution - Pre-Final Price = Estimated Price or Actual Price + Premium fixed
| Enhancement | - | |
4. Product Data - Created product data will be auto converted to upper case | Enhancement | | - |
5. Subscription page updates:
| Enhancement | | - |
6. Physical Trade - Deals tab allow direct updating of MTM pricing indexes. Update the MTM Pricing code, tick the deal row and click on the “Update MTM” button to update the MTM pricing for the trade.
| Enhancement | | - |
7. Paper Trades - Upload FCStone files' commission
| Enhancement | - | |
8. Product Data - Copying of product type and mapping name onto the table fixed | Enhancement | | - |
9. Paper/Physical Trade - If product is used in paper/physical trade, cannot delete the product in Product Data table. Will have to remove the product from the paper/physical trade before deleting | Enhancement | | - |
6 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - |
5 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Physicsl Trade - Upload bulk physical trades and premium is shown correctly in edit physical trade page | Enhancement |
| - |
2 AUG 2021 - VERSION 2.4.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Subscription page enhancement | Enhancement |
| - |
29 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.4.1
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Physical Trades - Fixed/Actual price = 0 is now supported in the system. Fix/Actual price = 0 can be supported in all related features:
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Dashboard - CP Risk Summary model will now include paper trades only and exclude physical trades | Enhancement | | - |
3. Fixed price = 0 issues fixed:
| Enhancement | | - |
4. Physical Trades - If pricing mode is WMA/FLOAT/SPOT, actual price can be changed to 0 in trade execution table fixed | Enhancement |
| |
5. Physical Trades - Changing Exchange Rate or Custom Tax Rate for trades with split quantity in trade execution page fixed | Enhancement |
29 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.4.0
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Paper Trades - New Brokers added:
| New Feature | - |
23 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.4.0
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Dashboard (FX Exposure) - Filters in table fixed | Enhancement | | - |
3. Paper Trades - Upload newly created product data/market data (futures or forward products) fixed | Enhancement | - | |
4. Dashboard - All models can now be shared in Chinese | Enhancement | | - |
5. Paper Trades - System can now support uploading of swap trades | New Feature | ||
6. New broker - JR 金瑞 has been added into system | Enhancement | - | - |
21 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.4.0
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
a. Show negative in size column (eg -40.123) if it is sell; show positive in size column (eg 40.123) if it is buy. b. Add summary row to sum up:
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Dashboard (FX Exposure app) - a. You can now select multiple portfolios and we have added Portfolio Name column in front of Category column b. Calculations will be adjusted to NET EXPOSURE = GROSS EXPOSURE + FX HEDGE + ADJ | Enhancement | | |
3. Proprietary Market Data - From and to date will display 1 week of data by default. You may change the from and to date as necessary. | Enhancement | - | |
4. Dashboard (Futures Account app) - Can choose to use public market data or proprietary market data | Enhancement | - | |
5. Paper Trades - Aggregate button in create paper trades has been replaced by an “AGGR” tick. Tick = Aggregate trades by product ID, buy/sell, year, month, valuation date Untick = Display trades separately | Enhancement | ||
6. Demurrage - Unable to save 0 in NOR+___ field is fixed | Enhancement | | - |
17 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.4.0
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Portfolio - Edit portfolio details fixed | Enhancement | | - |
3. Dashboard - FX Exposure model bugs fixed | Enhancement | | - |
4. Add PVT column to Portfolio (Open Position table) and P/L Details model Shows PUB = trade is calculated using public data Shows PROP = trade is calculated using proprietary/private data Shows empty = Priced_In = true : trade has price (estimated/actual price) so column will be empty/blank | Enhancement | | - |
16 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.3.9
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Paper Trade - All paper trades tab’s from and to date will display 1 week of data by default. You may change the from and to date as necessary | Enhancement | - | |
3. Paper Trade - CTP trades upload’s ACCOUNT and BROKER red cells fixed | Enhancement | - | |
4. Demurrage - If select company type as OWNER, cargo quantity will disappear after saving | Enhancement | |
15 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.3.9
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
Cargo Quantity will be linked to the Cargo Proration section | Enhancement | | - |
2. Paper Trades - Upload paper trades for slower connection fixed | Enhancement | - | |
3. Dashboard - New FX Exposure Model | New Feature | | - |
4. Demurrage - MAFSpace limit to increase total upload size to 100mb for uploading of multiple files at any one time. | Enhancement | |
13 JUL 2021 - VERSION 2.3.9
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Trade Execution - Allow bulk trade execution update - click on ‘Bulk Exe Update’ button and input the changes/upload the file and the existing details will be auto-replaced by the new details. | Enhancement |
| |
3. Portfolio - Allow row-grouping function for Open Positions table | Enhancement | - | |
4. Edit Grouped Trades - Commission and commission currency will remain original | Enhancement | |
5. Bulk Trades Upload - Add Execution Number as one of the columns | Enhancement |
| |
6. Dashboard - Portfolio search bar for numerical values eg 1 is fixed | Enhancement | |
7. Dashboard - CP Risk Summary and P/l by Instrument models fixed - exchange rate input in trade execution will be reflected accordingly | Enhancement | |
8. Demurrage - MAFSpace size limit per file is 50mb instead of 10mb | Enhancement | |
6 JULY 2021 - VERSION 2.3.9
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Portfolio page P/L and Portfolio P/L Details model in Dashboard will have the exact same value as both take into account specific exchange rate (eg OTC^USD/CNY input in Proprietary Market Data). Group P/L model and Portfolio P/L Details model in Dashboard will have the same total P/L value | Enhancement | | - |
3. General Ledger - If expense amount is negative, in group p/l and portfolio performance, the amount will use the original sign (negative); but in portfolio p/l details, the amount will be -1 * original sign (positive) | Enhancement | |
4. General Ledger - Upload SFSG file date fixed | Enhancement | |
5. Trade Execution - Exchange Rate field fixed - if deal currency and product settlement currency is the same eg CNYCNY, Exchange Rate field will be disabled (cannot fill in) | Enhancement |
| |
7. Dashboard - Changes in the following models to ensure all commission is negative as it is a cost and all costs will be negative and income will be positive.
| Enhancement | |
28 JUN 2021 - VERSION 2.3.9
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. Market Data - Data for the past 3 months will be displayed by default instead of 1 year. You can use the date filter to search for data from the past few months/years. | Enhancement | | - |
24 JUN 2021 - VERSION 2.3.8
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Product Data - Edit product data will link to correct product data, PRODUCT CODE column is removed, CREATED BY column is fixed | Enhancement | | - |
3. The numbers will be default, no round
| Enhancement |
| |
4. Proprietary Market Data - Exchange rate (eg OTC^USD/CNY) will use the input DATE’s exchange rate or any date before that (if exact DATE is not available) in prop market data page | Enhancement |
23 JUN 2021 - VERSION 2.3.8
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
For expense/income item for each deal/contract, it can be input in expense/income table in physical trade page for expense/income item for each portfolio, it can be input in general ledger under portfolio from navigation sidebar on the left | Enhancement | | - |
2. Proprietary Market Data - Upload currency exchange rate price in proprietary market data page and portfolio can support multiple currency positions. When select private market data in group P/L and Portfolio P/L details app, the exchange rate will be updated successfully. | Enhancement | - | |
3. Dashboard - New Futures Account app is available now | New Feature |
4. Product/Market Data - Mapped ZCE: PF and DCE: LPG into our system | Enhancement | |
5. Proprietary Market Data - Add “Download Template” button to download template for filling in and uploading directly | Enhancement |
| |
6. Demurrage - Remarks in export data in offset list have been fixed | Enhancement | |
7. Paper Trade - Add new broker “Amalgamated Metal Trading Limited”, will be shown as AMT in upload paper trade | Enhancement |
16 JUN 2021 - VERSION 2.3.8
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Duplicate Trade - Duplicate trades with multiple pricing fixed | Enhancement | - | - |
2. Paper Trades - Allocate portfolio for trades fixed | Enhancement | - | - |
11 JUN 2021 - VERSION 2.3.8
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Create Physical Trade - Accidentally pressing spacing before and after deal number or contract number will invalidate the spacing | Enhancement | | - |
3. Portfolio - If physical trade position’s pricing mode is not FIXED (WMA, FLOAT/AVE, SPOT), unit will be displayed as LOTS. If pricing mode is FIXED, unit will be displayed in original unit eg metric tons | Enhancement | - | |
4. Physical Trade Deals tab - If Outstanding Quantity is not 0.0 (meaning the deal is not closed yet), the cell will be highlighted in red. | Enhancement | | - |
10 JUN 2021 - VERSION 2.3.8
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New Feature |
| - |
2. Bulk Trades Upload - Add Payment Date in bulk upload table | Enhancement | - | |
3. Long Term Contract - Remove Terms Details tab, long term contract can be created the same way as SPOT contract by selecting TERM under Contract Type | Enhancement | - | |
4. Physical Trades - Allow auto closing of trades with slightly differing actual quantity In portfolio page, once trades are closed, there will be no open positions | Enhancement | - | |
5. Group - User will be able to add members into a group with more than 5 members, as long as total members do not exceed the number of licences purchased (1 group = 5 members, 1 licence = 1 group, if have eg 2 licences, 1 group can have up to 10 members) | Enhancement | - | |
6. Trade Execution - Actual quantity, actual price and title transfer date will be shown in red if empty to remind user to input | Enhancement | | - |
7. Trade Execution - Add a Deal Qty Dsp column and if red, it will indicate either:
if 1 trade does not have actual qty, system won’t check so won’t be in red This issue only comes when user fills up all the key information and we do final check for them to make sure the trade is done | New Feature | | - |
8. Paper Trades (Grouped Trades) - New Grouped Trades tab to allow user to edit grouped trades directly here, namely for for Category, Trader, Account and Broker | Enhancement | | - |
9. Paper Trades (Assign Portfolio) - Direct user to new table to assign or unassign portfolio | Enhancement | | - |
10. Dashboard - All models can be shared via “Share Dashboard” button or “Share” button (represented by a paper airplane icon). | Enhancement |
| - |
3 JUN 2021 - VERSION 2.3.8
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
31 MAY 2021 - VERSION 2.3.8
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New Feature | | - |
2. Proprietary Market Data - Upload and maintain own market data | New Feature | - | |
3. Portfolio and Dashboard - Flexibility to calculate using proprietary (own private) data or public data (data obtained from exchanges, used as default in system) | New Feature | - | |
4. Paper Trades - Category input in proprietary product data will be auto-linked in product in paper trades | New Feature | - | |
5. Hedge Ratio - Filter setting will auto save even after refreshing the page | Enhancement | | - |
6. Payment Record (Invoice) - Packing quantity has no decimal point limit | Enhancement | | - |
27 MAY 2021 - VERSION 2.3.7
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | - |
2. Physical Trades Bulk Upload - Either Benchmark Pricing or Fixed Pricing can be selected; if both is selected, Benchmark Pricing will be highlighted in red | Enhancement | - | |
3. Physical Trades Bulk Upload - If uploaded benchmark trade has tax rate, actual price, title transfer date, exchange rate and estimated price, it should not apply to MTM trade/pricing | Enhancement | - | |
4. Physical Trades Bulk Upload - If Fixed Pricing is used, actual price should not be editable | Enhancement | - |
21 MAY 2021 - VERSION 2.3.7
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New Feature | - | |
2. New Physical Trades Bulk Upload tab - Allow you to upload physical trades in bulk | New Feature | - | |
3. Add summary in Group P/L Details model | Enhancement | - | - |
17 MAY 2021 - VERSION 2.3.7
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Physical Trades - Remove Settlement Currency under Payment Details and add Deal Currency in General Information. | Enhancement | - | |
2. Physical Trades - Add Deal Currency into Reallocate Deal & Duplicate Trade functions. Deal Currency cannot be changed after saving. | Enhancement | | - |
3. Physical Trades Execution - Exchange Rate currency will be displayed as Pricing Currency of Product to Deal Currency eg USDCNY | Enhancement | | - |
4. Physical Trades - Deal number is compulsory item | Enhancement | - | - |
5. Remove Inventory and Storage Settings page | Enhancement | - | - |
6. Paper Trades - Trader column is in front of Category column | New Feature | - | - |
7. Physical Trades - Decimal Points rounding issue fixed | Enhancement | - | - |
11 MAY 2021 - VERSION 2.3.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Trade Execution - Add Status column | Enhancement | - | |
2. Paper Trades - Copy and paste data fixed | Enhancement | | - |
3. Dashboard: Portfolio P/L Details - Adjust calculations: Base Amount = Amount * Exchange Rate | Enhancement | | - |
4. Paper Trades - Add table layout for create and edit paper trades table | Enhancement | | - |
5 May 2021 - VERSION 2.3.6
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Trade Execution - Input your own exchange rate in trade execution page will replace system’s exchange rate and provide calculations accordingly in PORTFOLIO P/L DETAILS app. P/L calculations in View Portfolio will continue to use system’s exchange rate and not use your exchange rate | New Feature | - | |
2. Create Physical Trade - Input your trade mode (OFFSHORE, DOMESTIC CHINA, DELIVERY CHINA, IMPORT/EXPORT) | New Feature | | - |
3. Dashboard: Position Matrix - You can now select more than 1 portfolios in the Position Matrix | Enhancement | | - |
4. Paper Trades - Added TRADER column into group trades. You can now group trades by CATEGORY and TRADER | New Feature | | - |
5. Portfolio - Trades with different TRADER names will not be combined/closed off | New Feature | | - |
6. Trade Execution - Add PURCHASE/SELL column in trade execution table | Enhancement | - | |
7. Create Physical Trades - Add TAX RATE in benchmark pricing and MTM pricing page | New Feature | | - |
8. Dashboard - Hedge Ratio app is ready in the system | New Feature | - | - |
9. Dashboard - Group P/L app is ready in the system | New Feature | - | - |
30 APR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | - |
2. Paper Trades - TRADE VALUE is positive for BUY trades and negative for SELL trades | Enhancement | | - |
3. Demurrage - IN RANGE filter fixed | Enhancement | | - |
29 APR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.5
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | - | |
2. View Paper Trades - Added CURRENCY and TRADE VALUE columns in View Paper Trades table | New Feature | | - |
3. Trade Execution - Added ESTIMATED PRICE. System will use ESTIMATED PRICE for calculations if ACTUAL PRICE is not available yet
| New Feature | - | |
4. Portfolio - Added PRICED IN column in OPEN POSITIONS table to indicate TRUE if ESTIMATED PRICE or ACTUAL PRICE has been input | New Feature | | - |
5. Trade Execution - Added CUSTOM TAX RATE. Input CUSTOM TAX RATE will auto add into EXPENSE/INCOME table to account as a cost as well as in PORTFOLIO P/L DETAILS | New Feature |
| |
6. Trade Execution - Added EXCHANGE RATE. Not available in current version, will update in next version: Input EXCHANGE RATE will update P/L in PORTFOLIO and PORTFOLIO P/L DETAILS | New Feature |
| |
7. Paper Trades - Added CATEGORY column into group trades | New Feature | |
8. Trade Execution - Added new columns
| New Feature |
20 APR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Dashboard (Portfolio P/L Details) - Updates to calculations:
| New Feature | | - |
2. Demurrage - Select all and right click for MAFSpace fixed for Windows PC | Enhancement | | - |
3. Demurrage - View .msg files and open in email server directly | Enhancement | | - |
4. Paper Trades - Add Category column into group trades | New Feature | - | - |
5. Market Data & Product Data - Upload CSV/Excel file fixed | Enhancement | - |
15 APR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Demurrage - Table layout issue fixed | Enhancement | | - |
2. Demurrage & Portfolio - Amount value will be 2 decimal point | Enhancement | - | - |
14 APR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| New Feature | | - |
2. Demurrage - Add new columns for Legal Timebar Dates | Enhancement | | - |
3. Paper Trades/Portfolio/Dashboard - Add “Category” column | Enhancement | - |
4. Dashboard - Save template layout for AG Grid tables eg Position Matrix | Enhancement | - |
8 APR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Payment Record - Amount in invoice will be in 2 decimal points. | Enhancement | | - |
2. Accounting - Net amount can be allocated to payable/receivable invoice | Enhancement | | - |
1 APR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Added Trade Value column (price * contract size * size) into create paper trades page | Enhancement | - | |
2. All models in dashboard’s date format will follow user’s date setting in PROFILE | Enhancement | - | |
3. When generate auto payment record (invoice) number, you will be able to view the auto-generated invoice number directly by clicking on the ‘GENERATE PR NO.' button | Enhancement |
| |
4. To edit the auto-generated invoice number, delete the index name first and the field will be editable | Enhancement |
24 MAR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Add Tax Rate for Physical Trades, Portfolio and P/L Details Model. | New feature | - | - |
2. If key in tax rate, system will calculate P/L without tax rate; if did not key in tax rate, system will calculate P/L including tax. | New feature | - | - |
3. Grouping function and summation of SIZE and COMMISSION are available for creating and viewing paper trade. | New feature | - | - |
4. Auto running invoice number will appear in invoice PDF. | Enhancement | - | - |
17 MAR 2021 - VERSION 2.3.3
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Tick or untick the checkbox to view unrealised P/L in Portfolio P/L Details model | Enhancement | - | - |
2. No decimal point limit to PRICE related items, and 4 decimal point limit for QUANTITY related items | Enhancement | - | - |
3. GROSS QTY is added into physical trade execution page | Enhancement | - | - |
4. TAX RATE is added into create physical trade page | Enhancement | - | - |
5. All models in DASHBOARD can be shared individually or together in dashboard via SHARE button | Enhancement | - | - |
26 FEB 2021 - VERSION 2.3.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Save template layout is now available for P/L DETAILS MODEL AND PHYSICAL TRADE INVENTORY models. | Enhancement | - | - |
2. Download paper trades (right click and export) and negative size will show as eg -100 in csv/excel instead of just 100. | Enhancement | - | - |
3. Can use Paper Trades search bar to search for price with decimal points eg 100.12345. | Enhancement | - | - |
4. Balance amount column in expense/income table is fixed. | Enhancement | - | - |
5. The box under PAYMENT DETAILS can be saved into the template now. | Enhancement | - | - |
6. Once trade is split in trade execution (edit button), title transfer date will be auto copied. | Enhancement | - | - |
10 FEB 2021 - VERSION 2.3.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Duplicate payment record (invoice) | New Feature | - | |
2. Generate Shipping Instructions | New Feature |
| - |
3. Logistic details in payment record (invoice) will be auto linked if trade execution is created (use execution ID instead of execution number) | Enhancement | - | |
4. Address for counterparty in payment record (invoice) will be auto-filled if it has been input before in previous invoice for the same counterparty | Enhancement | - | |
5. PRICING DETAILS has been changed to UNIT PRICE in the payment record (invoice) PDF | Enhancement | - | |
6. Credit details eg 100 @ USD 1 (CREDIT) have been removed in payment record (invoice) PDF, details can be filled in the LABEL/VALUE box | Enhancement | - | |
7. All price values have been changed to 2 decimal points and quantity values have been changed to 4 decimal points. | Enhancement | - |
5 FEB 2021 - VERSION 2.3.2
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. Duplicate physical trade | New Feature | - | |
2. Split trade quantity and assign to other counterparty | New Feature | | - |
3. Reallocate trade into another deal | New Feature | - | |
4. Offset/Combine expenses & income items into invoice | New Feature | - | |
5. Generate auto-running number for contract number and payment reference number | New Feature | - | |
6. Generate contract document | New Feature |
| - |
1 FEB 2021 - VERSION 2.3.1
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | JIRA Ticket |
1. Unallocate amount issue has been fixed | Bug Fix | - | |
2. Allocate row drop-down list has been shortened | Enhancement | - | |
3. Quantity related fields eg NET WEIGHT will be in 4 decimal points | Enhancement | - | |
4. Different accounts' trades cannot be grouped together now | Enhancement | - | |
5. New product (COMEX SILVER) has been mapped | Enhancement | - |