if any row IS KNOCK OUT ticked, then Knock Out is Yes, no matter by manual or MAF calculate
if either Expired or Knock Out is Yes, it means closed trade
Option Settled Value must have value
Settlement Date must have value
P/L must have value
Option Market Value and Un P/L must be empty (auto change to empty)
if Option Settled Value is empty, then follow TOTAL P/L, otherwise, if Option Settled Value is different from TOTAL P/L when saving, confirm it in pop up window
if either Expired or Knock Out value changed and both are No or empty (means only if either value is changed)
Option Settled Value and P/L must be empty, settlement date be empty
Option Market Value will follow TOTAL P/L, and Un P/L will have value
It is correct:
when enter exotic trade details page, if Expired and Knock Out are both NO, and Option Settled Value and P/L also have value, it is correct as Expired or Knock Out value is not changed
if both Expired and Knock Out are No, Option Settled Value and P/L are empty, system will allow user to key in Option Settled Value manually as expired or Knock Out value is not changed
if Option Settled Value and P/L have values, Option Market Value and Un P/L will auto update to empty