Stock Management Function

Stock Management Function

You can monitor and manage your stock/inventory with the Stock Management function.

After you have input/upload your physical trades, you will be able to input the stock management details of the trades.

  1. To access this section, click on “Trade”, followed by “Stock Management” from the navigation sidebar on the left.


2. To begin your inputs, you can create a new row by clicking on the “+ Add Row” button and fill in the details. You may choose to manually input or copy and paste data accordingly:

  • Copy & Paste after adding new rows manually: Click on an empty cell to paste your data (Ctrl + V in keyboard).


If you want to copy and paste multiple rows of data, you do not need to click on “+ Add Row” multiple times before pasting the data, and can perform the following action:

  • Copy & Paste without manually adding new rows: Click on “+ Add Row” once and click on the cell to start pasting data from and paste (Ctrl + Shift + V in keyboard) to automatically create new rows and paste the copied data.

  • You may need to delete the empty row at the bottom by ticking the corresponding check box and clicking on “Delete Row”.


3. Please refer to below for more information on how to input the fields. Cells highlighted in red in the table are compulsory fields and are thus necessary to input:

  • Stock ID 库存号: Auto-generated by system once the row has been created and saved successfully

  • Stock Date 库存单据日期*: Date of the stock in/stock out transaction

  • Stock Type 库存类型*: Type of stock in/stock out transaction, defined by you. It determines the type of cargo in warehouse, which could be physical cargo or warrant.

    • It is a key value which is linked to “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” app.

  • Contract No. 合约编号*: To link stock in/out cargo to contract. It is used to identify which contract the stock belongs to. It will be used in “PHYSICAL TRADE STATUS” app to monitor if contract cargo is delivered to match with contract quantity. You may select Contract No. from the dropdown list and other relevant fields such as Main Contract No., Company, Counterparty, Purchase/Sale, Product, Spec, Quantity and Unit will be auto-filled according to the physical trade data input.

    • Select/Paste the Contract No. of the physical trades (you have created previously in Creating New Physical Trade(s) ) and any available data will be filled automatically based on your records for your convenience:

      • Company 公司

      • Counterparty 客户名称

      • Purchase/Sale 买/卖

      • Product 产品

      • Spec 产品规格

      • Quantity 数量

      • Unit 单位

  • Main Contract No.: Main contract number of individual contract number, you may input as necessary. Input is not required as it will be auto-filled if you select Contract No. from the dropdown list.

  • Company: Entity of contract, Name of your company (can be input in Settings>Company>Company Profile page). Input is not required as it will be auto-filled if you select Contract No. from the dropdown list

  • Counterparty: Name of counterparty. Input is not required as it will be auto-filled if you select Contract No. from the dropdown list

  • Purchase/Sale: Purchase/Buy or Sale/Sell contract. Input is not required as it will be auto-filled if you select Contract No. from the dropdown list

  • Product: Product name, for example Corn. Input is not required as it will be auto-filled if you select Contract No. from the dropdown list

  • Spec: Product specification, you may fill in for your reference if necessary, eg Product is Rubber and specification is XX1. Input is not required as it will be auto-filled if you select Contract No. from the dropdown list

  • WH Entity: Warehouse entity, input in Company Data

  • WH Name 仓储名称*: To identify where stock in/out occurs. It is used in “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” app to easily monitor where the cargo is stored.

    • Select/Paste the WH Name (you have created previously in Company Data) and any related available data will be filled automatically based on your records for your convenience:

      • WH Entity 仓储公司

  • Stock Action 库存操作: Action type of the stock in/stock out transaction, defined by you

    • Important when there is value for “TO WH NAME” column. It will be linked to “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” app as “STOCK TYPE” if there is value for “TO WH NAME” column. It can be ignored if “TO WH NAME” column is empty, e.g, “TRANSPORTATION” is under “STOCK ACTION” , and “TO WH NAME” is “ABC”, then in “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” app, user will see “TRANSPORTATION” field under “STOCK TYPE” in the app.

    • Basically, once you key in “TO WH NAME”, the row will appear in the “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” app. If you key in “COD DATE” with a date before and including today’s date, it will not show in app. If you key in a “COD DATE” after today’s date, it will show in app. Its “Stock Action” will appear under “Stock Type” in the app

  • To WH Name 到达库址: Name of warehouse (you have created previously in Company Data ) your inventory is delivered to/stored

  • Trans Supplier 运输供应商: Name of transportation supplier/company

  • Slot No. 货位号: Slot number of stock in/stock out transaction, defined by you

  • Qty 数量*: Quantity of the stock in/stock out transaction regardless of whether it is external or internal. Once you select an existing Contract No. from the drop-down list, Quantity will be auto-filled based on your records for your convenience, you are free to adjust the quantity to balance the stock in and stock out quantity. Quantity will follow this order of priority when calculating P/L, PS Ledger and Stock Management: Settlement Qty > Contract Actual Qty > Qty.

    • Positive (+) Quantity eg 1000: Stock in

    • Negative (-) Quantity eg -1000: Stock out

  • Unit 单位: Unit of stock in/stock out transaction. Input is not required as it will be auto-filled if you select Contract No. from the dropdown list

  • Scope 操作范围*: Used to identify if the transaction is from/to external party/counterparties (real delivery) or action internally/in-house stock action. It will be used for calculating the stock in/stock out quantity from/to external party.

    • External: Any purchase or sale transaction with external party/stock in/out from counterparties

    • Internal: Everything else not mentioned in External/in-house stock action e.g., change from warrant to physical cargo or change warehouse etc

    • It is a key value to calculate “STOCK QTY” in “INVENTORY SUMMARY” app. Only “EXTERNAL” row qty will be used to sum up.

  • Match ID 匹配库存号: To match stock in/out cargo regardless of whether it is external or internal.

    • You can only input match ID for rows with negative quantity (stock out quantity); to allow stock out quantity to be matched accurately with corresponding stock in quantity.

    • To accurately record and balance stock in and stock out quantity, you will need to fill in the match ID field of stock out quantity with the match ID of stock in quantity

    • Once you select Contract No., Quantity will be auto-filled based on your records for your convenience, you are free to adjust the quantity to balance the stock in and stock out quantity. You can add a negative sign (-) in the Quantity field to identify it as stock out quantity, and the Match ID will auto become editable for you to input the corresponding match ID (of stock in quantity)

      • All stock out will match to stock in, all stock in rows will have auto-calculated balance quantity (Bal Qty, refer to below) which can be positive value, negative value or 0

      • Match ID dropdown list will auto update the calculation for Bal Qty once you select the Match ID for other stock out quantity, for your convenience

      • Only negative (-) “QTY” can key in match ID (stock ID to match).

      • Positive (+) “QTY” will auto fill up match ID, which is the same as self-stock ID.

      • Only positive (+) “QTY” has “Bal Qty”.

  • Bal Qty 剩余数量: This field is automatically calculated based on your inputs (Quantity and Match ID)

    • Stock In quantity - Stock Out quantity (with the same Match ID) = Bal Qty

  • Stock In Date 入库仓储费日期: Date of your stock in inventory

  • Stock Out Date 出库仓储费日期: Date of your stock out inventory

  • ETA Note 预计到达注释: Estimated time of arrival notes

  • COD Date 卸货结束日 : Refers to completion of discharge date, which means the stock action is completed. It is used to monitor if transportation has been completed. It is a key field to calculate the quantity which is still in transportation

    • User needs to add a new row to perform stock in action to match it, e.g., transportation is completed, so a new row should be added for the cargo to be stocked into the “TO WH NAME” column.

    • If “COD DATE” has value and the date is earlier than the app’s date, it means the stock action is completed. Therefore, it will not be shown in the “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” app.

  • Cost Type 成本项: Type of cost incurred

  • Cost Amt 成本金额: Amount of cost incurred

  • Cost Ccy 成本货币: Currency of cost incurred

  • Ticket Ref No. 单据号: Ticket Reference No.

  • Remarks 备注: Additional remarks/comments


4. Once all the details have been filled, click on the “Save” button at the bottom left corner of the page to save the details. You may edit the fields as and when necessary, and all the apps/model/reports in the Dashboard will be updated accordingly.

Once stock data has been input, the following columns for each trade in the New Physical Trade table will be reflected automatically.


Several functions are available to assist in the selection of data: 

  • Search Bar: Search for keywords in the search bar for relevant data to be displayed.

  • From and To Date: “From” date will be the first day of the year and “To” date will be today’s date by default. You may change the date range and click on the blue “Search” button to determine the rows that will be displayed based on the “Stock Date”.

  • Physical Product Filter: Select the product and click on the blue “Search” button, and all rows with the selected product will be filtered and displayed in the table. Please note that after you edit the PRODUCT in the physical trade page, you may need to log out and log in before the “Physical Product Filter”
    can be updated.

  • Table Headers: “Sort” and “Filter” data using the functions in the table headers (Please refer to Table Settings for table functionalities).


You may also group the rows (liken to the pivot table function in Microsoft Excel) to view the grouped data by dragging any column headers into the “row groups” section as highlighted:

The data in the table will be grouped according to your setting and you may drag multiple column headers into the “row groups” section to group them as necessary.


5. You may use the following inventory-related reports in Dashboard (click on “Dashboard”, followed by “Individual Dashboard” from the navigation sidebar on the left) to assist you in your stock management process:

  • Physical Trade Status 现货合同状态


  • Inventory Stock Type Details 库存类型详细


  • Inventory Summary 库存详细


  • Physical Trade Inventory 现货交易库存


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