Stock Management/PS Ledger - Key Columns Logic

Stock Management/PS Ledger - Key Columns Logic

Stock Management Details Key Columns

  1. Stock Type 库存类型: Define the type of cargo in warehouse, which could be physical cargo or warrant. It is a key value which is linked to “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” 库存类型详细 app.

  2. Contract No 合约编号: To link stock in/out cargo to contract. It is used to identify which contract the stock belongs to. It will be used in “PHYSICAL TRADE STATUS” 现货合同状态 app to monitor if contract cargo is delivered to match with contract quantity. 

  3. WH Name 仓储名称: To identify where stock in/out occurs. It is used in “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” 库存类型详细 app to easily monitor where the cargo is stored.

  4. Stock Action 库存操作/To WH NAME 到达库址/COD Date 卸货结束日:

a. Stock Action 库存操作: Important when there is value for “TO WH NAME” 到达库址 column. It will be linked to “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” 库存类型详细 app as “STOCK TYPE” if there is value for “TO WH NAME” 到达库址 column. It can be ignored if “TO WH NAME” 到达库址 column is empty. E.g, “TRANSPORTATION” is under “STOCK ACTION” 库存操作 , and “TO WH NAME” 到达库址 is “ABC”, then in “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” 库存类型详细 app, the row will appear accordingly and user will see “TRANSPORTATION” under “STOCK TYPE” in the app.

b. COD Date 卸货结束日: Refers to completion of discharge date, which means the stock action 库存操作 is completed. User needs to add a new row to perform stock in action to match it, e.g., transportation is completed, so a new row should be added for the cargo to be stocked into the “TO WH NAME” 到达库址 column.

c. If COD Date 卸货结束日 has value and the date is earlier than the end date, it means the stock action 库存操作 is completed. Therefore, it will not be shown in the “INVENTORY STOCK TYPE DETAILS” 库存类型详细 app.


5. QTY 数量: Stock in/out “QTY” 数量 (quantity) regardless of whether it is external or internal:

6. SCOPE 操作范围: To identify stock in/out is from counterparties or in-house stock action 库存操作. “EXTERNAL” means stock in/out from counterparties, “INTERNAL” means in-house stock action 库存操作 (e.g., change from warrant to physical cargo or change warehouse etc).

  • It is a key value to calculate “STOCK QTY” 数量 in “INVENTORY SUMMARY” app. Only “EXTERNAL” row qty will be used to sum up.

7. MATCH ID 匹配库存号: To match stock in/out cargo regardless of whether it is external or internal:

  • Only negative (-) “QTY” 数量 can key in match ID 匹配库存号 (stock ID to match).

  • Positive (+) “QTY” 数量 will auto fill up match ID 匹配库存号, which is the same as self-stock ID.

  • Only positive (+) “QTY” 数量 has “Bal Qty” 剩余数量.


PS Ledger 采销资金 Key Columns

  1. CONTRACT NO 合同编号: Key column linked to “PHYSICAL TRADE STATUS” 现货合同状态 app to monitor payment and invoice record.

  2. PSL TYPE 账类别:

a. PAYMENT 款项: Payment transaction, the amount will be used for “SETTLED AMT” 已收货款 and “SETTLED QTY” 已交重量 calculation in “PHYSICAL TRADE STATUS” 现货合同状态 app.

b. INVOICE 发票: Invoice for the payment, the amount is used for “INV AMT” 票额 and “INV QTY” 票量 calculation in “PHYSICAL TRADE STATUS” 现货合同状态 app.



  1. RECEIVED 收款: It means the payment is received from your counterparty, it is also applied to “INVOICE” 发票 type row.

  2. PAID 付款: It means the payment is paid to your counterparties, it is also applied to “INVOICE” 发票 type row.

  3. AMOUNT 总额: Always positive number which is used for amount calculations in “PHYSICAL TRADE STATUS” 现货合同状态 app.

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