Proprietary Market Data Guide

Proprietary Market Data Guide

The system can support 2 settlement prices:

  • Public settlement price obtained automatically from Exchange sources, which will be used to check against and balance with daily statements (select PUB)

  • Proprietary settlement price as created by the user (select PVT)

You can use the Proprietary Market Data feature to create and manage your own private market data (settlement price and exchange rate) - please select the corresponding product/contract/currency accordingly. They will be known as proprietary/private settlement price, which can be used to perform various calculations such as P/L and positions for your management reports/portfolios in the system. You may also opt to use public market data instead. You may switch between proprietary market data (PVT) or public market data (PUB) to view the performance of your reports/portfolios according to your business requirements.

On the other hand, if you want to create a new product contract and its market data, please refer to User Guide: Adding Own Market Data & Product Data or contact us at support@mafint.com.

1. If you do not want to use public market settlement price or exchange rate to calculate your P/L, you can choose to add your own proprietary/private settlement price or exchange in the system. Please click on Market Data>Proprietary Market Data from the navigation sidebar on the left.


2. If you have already uploaded your paper trades or physical trades and trade positions are still opened, you may click on Open Contracts and the system will automatically display the open contracts for you to input the proprietary settlement price. Contracts that have already been closed/settled will not appear here.

You may click on Open Contracts button and a pop up window will appear for you to select the portfolio to display the corresponding open contracts. All portfolios are selected by default. If you want to select specific portfolio(s) only, untick All Portfolios and select the portfolio from the drop down list. Once done, click Submit and all corresponding open contracts will be displayed in the Proprietary Market Data table for you to input the relevant dates and prices accordingly. 

Only "Date" and "Settlement" price fields are compulsory to be filled.

Once done, click 'Save' and your proprietary market data will be saved in the system.

3. Otherwise, you may input/upload private settlement price or exchange rate details, please click on:

  • 'Add Row' and input the details manually

  • 'Download Template' button (or right click on the table and click 'Export') to download the excel template. Fill in the template accordingly and upload directly into the system by hovering your mouse over the "..." at the top right corner of the page and click 'Upload File'. Please be reminded to upload the correct language version of the file into the system. For instance, if you are using the English version in the system, you will be required to upload the file with the English headers. 

Description : (Fields with * are compulsory fields, fields with ^ are automatically adjusted based on CODE)

  • PMD ID: Not required, automatically generated by system after saving the data

  • CODE*: Please fill in or choose the contract/currency in the drop-down list.

  • NAME: Automatically generated after inputting CODE

  • MONTH^: If Product Type is Futures, the system will automatically be highlighted in red, MONTH and YEAR are required to be filled. Some examples include LEAD, ZINC etc.

  • YEAR^:If Product Type is Futures, the system will automatically be highlighted in red, MONTH and YEAR are required to be filled. Some examples include LEAD, ZINC etc.

  • VALUATION DATE^: If Product Type is FORWARD, the system will automatically be highlighted in red, VALUATION DATE is required to be filled. For instance, LME 3M contract is specific to a certain date. Some examples include LEAD 3M, ZINC 3M etc.

  • C/P^: Required if CODE is options.

    • C: Call

    • P: Put

  • STRIKE: Required if CODE is options.

  • DATE*: Trade date of contract

  • OPEN: Opening price

  • HIGH: Highest price

  • LOW: Lowest price

  • LAST: Latest price

  • CLOSE: Close price

  • SETTLEMENT*: Settlement price of the contract

Once done, please click on Save to save your data.


Please note that if the proprietary (private) market data for certain dates are not input here eg 1 May to 10 May price is input but not 9 May, when you select private data when viewing the portfolio or using the models/reports in Dashboard (eg for trades with trade date on 9 May but private data is not available), the system will use the latest date's settlement price (10 May) to perform the calculations.


Exchange Rate:

You may input your own exchange rate and all products with the exchange rate will be updated accordingly. Fill in as per normal and for SETTLEMENT column, please refer to below example.

For example, if you want to input the exchange rate for CNY to USD, select OTC/^USDCNY as the CODE and the NAME (U.S. Dollar/Chinese Yuan) will auto-fill.

1 USD = 10 CNY

so when you input 10 as the SETTLEMENT, the exchange rate will convert from CNY to USD, which is 1/10 = 0.10



In MAF, will use public market data price, CNHUSD rate is the same as CNYUSD.

if users want to use their own CNH rate, users need to maintain own market data price in proprietary market data table and choose PTY MARKET PRICE to use own CNH rate.

In Proprietary Market Data table, please choose below product code and input date (DATE) and exchange rate (SETTLEMENT) before saving:

  • OTC/^USDCNH U.S. Dollar/Chinese Offshore Spot

if there is no private rate, MAF will use public rate


In MAF, will use public market data price, CNHUSD rate is the same as CNYUSD.

if users want to use their own CNH rate, users need to maintain own market data price in proprietary market data table and choose PTY MARKET PRICE to use own CNH rate.

In Proprietary Market Data table, please choose below product code and input date (DATE) and exchange rate (SETTLEMENT) before saving:

  • OTC/^USDCNH U.S. Dollar/Chinese Offshore Spot

if there is no private rate, MAF will use public rate


4. The 'From' and 'To' dates are set by default, ranging from the start of the year (1 Jan) to today's date. You may adjust the dates and click 'Search' for the data to be filtered and displayed in the table accordingly. 


5. Once your proprietary market data has been set up, you may proceed to the Dashboard or Portfolio page and select either PUB MARKET PRICE or PVT MARKET PRICE, and the system will calculate the portfolio P/L accordingly.

PUBLIC/PUB = System will use public market data obtained from various Exchange sources to calculate

PROPRIETARY/PTY/PROP/PVT = System will use the proprietary market data you have set up in the steps above to calculate (if proprietary market data is not available, system will use public market data to calculate)



Please note that if the proprietary (private) market data for certain dates are not input here eg 1 May to 10 May price is input but not 9 May, when you select private data when viewing the portfolio or using the models/reports in Dashboard (eg for trades with trade date on 9 May but private data is not available), the system will use the latest date's settlement price (10 May) to perform the calculations.

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