User Guide: Adding Own Market Data & Product Data

Step 1: How to Add Own Market Data

1. Click on “Market Data” from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by “Create Market Data”.


2. Fill in the market data details accordingly.

  • Data Name: Defined by you

  • Exchange: Defined by you

  • Product Code: Defined by you but must be unique

  • Unit, Base Number: Can ignore

  • Data Source: Defined by you

  • Frequency: Select “Daily” at the moment

  • Product Type: Choose correct product type accordingly

  • Description: Defined by you


Click on “Save” at the bottom left corner of the page to save your market data.


3. All your market data can be accessed in the “View Market Data” table. You can use the search or filter function to find your market data.


Step 2: How to Add Own Product and Link to Market Data

1. Click on “Product Data” from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by “Create Product Data”.



2. Input or upload product data directly.

  • Exchange: Defined by you

  • Product Name: Defined by you

  • Code: Defined by you but must be unique

  • Product Type: Select correct product type accordingly

  • Currency: Product Currency

  • Size: Product Size per Contract

  • Size.Unit: Product Unit

  • Tick: Mini Tick

  • Tick Unit: Combination of Currency/Size.Unit

  • Mapping Type: Select MDM

  • Mapping Name: Select the market data to link directly to your product data


For example: if you wanna create a new product called 生铁, product size is 1 MT/LOT, mini tick size is 1, currency is CNY, unit is Metric Ton, it should look like that:


Click on “Submit” at the bottom left corner of the page to save your product data.


3. All your product data can be accessed in the “View Product Data” table. You can use the search or filter function to find your product data.


Step 3: How to Add Proprietary Market Data Price to Own Product

1. If you do not want to use public settlement price (obtained from various Exchange sources), you may choose to add your own settlement price to your product.

Click on “Market Data” from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by “Proprietary Market Data”.


2. Click “Add Row” to add proprietary market data price to your own product.

You can select your own product under “Code” (created in Step 2) and input other details such as settlement price (under “SETTLEMENT”).

You can also click “Download Template” to download an Excel template to pre-fill data before uploading into the table.

Click on “Save” at the bottom left corner of the page to save your proprietary market data.


3. When viewing portfolio or dashboard reports/models, you can choose to use public settlement price or your own market settlement price to view your P/L or positions calculations.



Step 4: How to Create New Paper/Physical Trade to Link to Own Product

Paper Trade

1. Click on “Trade” from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by “Paper Trade”.


2. Click on “+ Paper Trade” to create a new paper trade.



3. Fill in the paper trade details and select your own product under “MAF PRODUCT ID”.

Click on “Submit” at the bottom left corner of the page to save your paper trade.


Physical Trade

1. Click on “Trade” from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by “Physical Trade”.


2. Click on “+ New Trade” to create a new physical trade.


3. Fill in the general physical trade details and click “Next” to input pricing details.


4. Select the “Pricing Type” and click “Calculate” to select the product and other details.


5. Select your own product from “Products” and click “Calculate”.

You can do the same for MTM pricing. Click “Next” and click on “Submit” to save your physical trade.