How to download CTP files from China Futures Market Monitoring Center and upload into MAF Portal?

How to download CTP files from China Futures Market Monitoring Center and upload into MAF Portal?

We recommend you to use Google Chrome browser to access MAF Cloud. You may change the server location (Singapore/China) and language (English/Chinese) at the top right corner of the login page or under Settings.

If the auto-capture CTP function in Paper Trades in MAF Portal does not work, you may opt to manually upload your files into the system by accessing the China Futures Market Monitoring Center to download the files.

内盘:China Futures Market Monitoring Center to download the daily statements in CSV format
外盘:Obtain the daily statements in CSV format from Brokers

Table of Contents

Please refer to below for the video or user guide.


1. Please access https://investorservice.cfmmc.com/ to download the daily statements in CSV format.

2. Under “客户交易结算日报” tab, please ensure the date is correct before downloading/exporting the file (only daily and not monthly statement is supported).

Please click on ”下载“ at the right corner of the page to download/export the daily statements in CSV format.

3. The downloaded files should look like this:


Once the files have been downloaded, please access the MAF Portal: https://portal.mafint.com/ and follow the steps below to upload the files into the system.


4. Under 'Trade' in the navigation sidebar on the left, please click on 'Paper Trade',


followed by '+ New Paper Trade' on the top right corner of the page to create new paper trade(s).


5. Before you input/upload your paper trades data, you can choose to select the “Aggregate” (AGGR) function and/or “Hedge/Speculation” (H/S) function to display your data accordingly. Both are unticked by default.


To allow you to view the aggregated summary of your paper trades, click on the “Aggregate” (AGGR) checkbox to tick or untick.

Tick: If you tick the checkbox and upload your file, your data will be categorised according to PRODUCT CODE>BUY/SELL>CONTRACT YEAR>CONTRACT MONTH>VALUATION DATE for you to check against any transaction summary.

Untick: If you untick the checkbox and upload your file, it will be uploaded as per normal according to the statements.

This is applicable for all types of products - futures, forward, spot and options products etc.



Tick: Tick the “H/S” checkbox to allow the original “TRADE TYPE” (Hedge/Speculation) in the file to be displayed.

Untick: If unticked, “TRADE TYPE” will be displayed as Speculation by default for all trades.


6. Please hover your mouse over the “…” at the top right corner of the page to view the brokers file template e.g. you may search for “CTP Position”, and upload your CSV file. You may contact us at support@mafint.com if the broker name is not available in the list.



7. After uploading your data, please check for any red cells and update accordingly. If necessary you may fill in “Category”, “Trader” and “Strategy”.

You may input the Portfolio Name directly in the table by double clicking on the cell or tick the trade and input or select the portfolio you wish to allocate the trade(s) into at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, leave it empty. If you have not created a portfolio, you can simply allocate them later (Please refer to Creating New Portfolio).


Click 'Submit' and you are done! Your newly created paper trades will be reflected in the Managing Paper Trades page.



The steps for uploading 外盘 and 内盘 statements are the same. You may obtain the daily statements in CSV file format from your brokers (the data should include new trades, expenses/income details, positions etc) and follow Step 4 onwards and select your broker from the list to upload your file into MAF Portal. You may contact us at support@mafint.com if the broker name is not available in the list.

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