[New Feature] How to Capture Chinese Futures Trades in CTP onto MAF Cloud?
If you frequently trade futures and commodities on Chinese markets, then the Comprehensive Transaction Platform (CTP) should be no stranger to you. The gateway allows you to easily perform many trades online, and is provided by over 99% of brokers for anyone who trades Chinese instruments.
MAF Cloud now allows you to sync the trades you made in CTP onto our server with a click of a button, saving you the hassle of manually keying-in and recording your trade data. It is as easy as 1-2-3!
Step 1: Link your CTP Account
You may find the tab 'CTP Accounts' from 'Settings' → 'My Profile' from the navigation sidebar. On this page you will find the data of your linked CTP account(s). To link a new one, simply click on 'Add Record'.
Fill in the relevant details (of the various ‘Port’ and ‘IP’ addresses, username and password etc.) and then click on 'Save all Records', and your CTP account will be linked!
Note: Please contact your broker if you are unsure of any of the above entries. You are free to key in your own “CTP Record Name”.
Step 2: Sync CTP Trades
Once your account is linked, you may capture the trades you have made in CTP automatically with ease. From the 'Trade Capture' → 'View Paper Trade' page, click on the 'CTP' button. Simply select the account and click 'Update CTP Trades', and all the trades you have made in the CTP gateway (for that trading day) will be automatically captured and recorded in MAF Cloud!
Note: Please be reminded to update your CTP trades before the cut-off time (5.30pm GMT+8) each trading day, to ensure that you do not miss the capturing of any trades!
Step 3: Find and Use your CTP Trades
You may now view your CTP trades (just like any other trades) in the 'View Paper Trades' page! You may also group/un-group the trades, as well as allocate them into your Portfolio(s), for further analysis.
Do also find out all the things you can do with your Portfolio(s) in MAF Cloud, such as the wide variety of Quantitative Models you can build with them in our 'Dashboard'! (See: MAF Portfolio Management Suite)
For a more detailed guide, please refer to CTP Accounts.
If you have any queries, please drop us an email at support@mafint.com and we will get in touch shortly.
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