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Sign up for a 30 days' free trial here & gain access to our MAF Demurrage Management Suite for free!

1. Upon signing up, you will receive 2 emails:

a. Account Verification Email. Please follow the instructions in the email to verify your email address to activate your account.

b. Welcome Email. This provides some guidance on navigating and using MAF Cloud, to help you get started!

2. Sign into your account and click 'Demurrage' from the navigation sidebar on the left and you're good to go! Please refer to Demurrage Claims Table and Demurrage Calculations to learn more!

Click here to view our Demurrage Factsheet!

MAF Demurrage Management Suite, as one of MAF Cloud’s core functions, helps clients better manage their physical trades and shipping logistics where demurrage and/or other claims are incurred. With MAF Demurrage Management Suite’s cloud-enabled solutions, clients can take advantage of new technologies provided by MAF Cloud to enhance demurrage and other claims. This results in operations becoming more efficient, transparent, accurate and easy for data tracking, which give clients the freedom to focus more on their negotiations and timely settlement of receivables with their counterparties and/or ship owners. 

Main features and benefits:

  • Covers most demurrage cases ranging from simple scenarios to various complex scenarios that involve demurrage auto-calculations, such as escalation and cargo proration etc. This enhances the accuracy of the figures and reduces time spent on massive time-consuming tasks involving calculations.
  • Generates detailed demurrage reports systematically, allowing communication between clients and their counterparties to be more efficient.
  • Generates demurrage claims offset list without any data processing with just a single click, allowing for easy monitoring of net claims and to prevent any outstanding receivable claims from being missed out.

  • Collects/Shares demurrage data directly from/with parties such as brokers and counterparties with the MAFLink function, which significantly reduce data entry workload and improve operational efficiency. 

  • Allows access and storing of supporting documents (files) for each demurrage claim securely and conveniently via the MAFSpace function, and sharing of files with group members.

  • Couples with the Enterprise Solution Licence, it facilitates the management and sharing of demurrage data across different teams/departments.
  • Allows direct upload of demurrage data which avoid the hassle of manual data entry. Data can also be exported and downloaded in different formats.
  • Duplicates and keeps track of all past & pending demurrage and other claims (e.g. deviation, deslopping costs etc.) to allow tasks like data management, tracking and statistics management to be performed more easily. 
  • Includes dynamic and customised data table layout to give clients the flexibility to transform data into any format that fit their daily operational data exchange needs.
  • Includes timebar scheduled reminders and notifications that are sent to clients via email so as to prevent any demurrage claims from being missed out.
  • Integrates our Demurrage features into your in-house systems or software securely via MAF RESTful API. This ensures that you can fully benefit from our comprehensive Demurrage features while resuming usage of your current system. This further improves operational productivity and business efficiency.

Demurrage Claims TableIT SupportApr 10, 2023
Demurrage CalculationsMAF InternDec 29, 2022
MAF Link (Demurrage & Other Claims)IT SupportOct 12, 2022
Demurrage Claims Offset ListIT SupportApr 13, 2022
List of Definitions: DemurrageMAF InternJul 16, 2021
Keypress Operator FunctionsMAF InternDec 28, 2020

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