Exotic Trades
Input Exotic Trades
1. Under 'Trade' in the navigation sidebar on the left, click 'Exotic Trades'.
2. There are 2 tabs - OPEN TRADES and CLOSED TRADES. The following user guide will apply for both tables.
There are 2 ways to input your exotic trades data:
a. Please click on Add Row to add new row and input your data or
b. Please click on New Trade and be directed to a new page to input your data
Description (only fields with * are compulsory, fields with ^ are required to be filled if certain criteria are met)
Settlement Date: Settlement date of closed exotic trades. Add Settlement Date and Options Settled Value to close open trade.
You may either input values (can be 0) for both columns or keep both columns empty (if either one is input, the other needs to be input too).
Once saved, the trade will switch from open trade table to closed trade table.
Settlement Date cannot be earlier than Trade Date
Options Settled Value: Market value of closed exotic trades, will be used to calculate P/L. Add Settlement Date and Options Settled Value to close open trade. You may either input values (can be 0) for both columns or keep both columns empty (if either one is input, the other needs to be input too). Once saved, the trade will switch from open trade table to closed trade table
Contract No.*: Contract number of trade, this contract number is unique and no duplication is allowed. All users cannot have the same contract number at any one time.
Broker*: If you have set up your broker data list (Setting>Company>Company Data>Paper Brokers), once you select the Account or Broker data, the corresponding Broker or Account data will be auto filled. Please click on Company Data | CompanyData 'PaperBrokers'Table to learn more. If you have not set up, you may input any Broker data accordingly and the data will be saved in the dropdown list for your convenience.
Account*: If you have set up your broker data list (Setting>Company>Company Data>Paper Brokers), once you select the Account or Broker data, the corresponding Broker or Account data will be auto filled. Please click on Company Data | CompanyData 'PaperBrokers'Table to learn more. If you have not set up, you may input any Account data accordingly and the data will be saved in the dropdown list for your convenience.
Portfolio Name: If you want to allocate the trade to certain portfolio, please select the portfolio and the trade will be included in the portfolio’s calculation
Underlying Code*: Product Code
Underlying Contract*: Input is not required, the system will auto-fill this field according to the selected Underlying Code
Underlying Month^: Contract’s month, only applicable if the product selected is futures product
Underlying Year^: Contract’s year, only applicable if the product selected is futures product
Price Type*: CLOSE or SETTLEMENT, default is CLOSE
Option Type*: EUROPEAN or AMERICAN, default will be EUROPEAN
C/P*: Call/Put
BS*: Buy/Sell
Trade Date*: Trade date of contract
Exp Date*: Expiry date of contract. Expiry Date cannot be earlier than Trade Date
Size*: Contract size
Unit*: Input is not required, system will auto fill this field once Underlying Code is selected
Initial Price*: Initial Price of contract
Amount*: Input is not required, system will auto calculate this field = Size*Initial Price
CCY*: Input is not required, system will auto fill this field once Underlying Code is selected
Knock Out Price^: Compulsory to fill if Option Name is PHOENIX or SNOWBALL, if it is VANILLA then this field has to be empty
Annual Rate %^: If annual rate is “10%”, please input “10”, compulsory to fill if Option Name is PHOENIX or SNOWBALL, if it is VANILLA then this field has to be empty
Annual Term^: Number of days considered for the year, eg 365, only compulsory is if Option Name is PHOENIX or SNOWBALL
Knock Prices Included*: Yes/No. If Option Name is Vanilla, this field is not compulsory item. If this field is left empty, system will return No as value
Knock In Price^: Compulsory to fill if Option Name is PHOENIX or SNOWBALL, if it is VANILLA then this field has to be empty
Strike Price*: If Option Name is PHOENIX or SNOWBALL, Strike Price will auto fill as Initial Price, if VANILLA, you must input the strike price
Underlying Price*: Input is not required, the system will auto fill this field according to the price obtained from the Exchange
Option Market Value: Market value of open exotic trades, will be used to calculate Un P/L
Premium: Can be negative or positive value regardless of whether the BS is Buy or Sell, will be used to calculate Un P/L and P/L
Option Value and Premium signs: No matter Buy or Sell, Option Value and Premium keep original sign
If BS is BUY,Un P/L = Option Market Value - Premium
If BS is SELL,Un P/L = -(Option Market Value - Premium)
Option Settled Value: Market value of closed exotic trades, will be used to calculate P/L
If BS is BUY,P/L = Option Settled Value - Premium
If BS is SELL,P/L = -(Option Settled Value - Premium)
3. Please click on Edit/View under ACTION column to add more, edit or view your data.
Please note that if the Option Name is PHOENIX or SNOWBALL, you will be able to click on Edit/View button to access the page, whereas you will be able to do so if the Option Name is VANILLA.
The data you have input in the previous page will be reflected in this page automatically. You may feel free to edit your data, those fields with * are compulsory. Once done, please scroll down and click on Save at the bottom left of the page to save your data.
4. Please scroll down to view the Price Path Information section, where you may click on the blue ADD button to add a new row to input your price path data. You may click on the ADD button multiple times to input multiple rows. Once you input the KNOCK OUT DATE, the row will be automatically sorted according to the KNOCK OUT DATE in ascending order (earliest date will be on the first row).
Step 1: Input new price path row Step 2: Input Knock Out Date and Period Step 3: If knock in, please input Knock In Triggering Price and Knock In Triggering Date Step 4: If knock out, please input Knock Out Triggering Price (if necessary) and tick Is Knock Out check box, and click on PL Calculation to auto calculate P/L (Knock Out field at the top will indicate Yes), or manually input. If knock out is not available yet, Step 4 is not required. Step 5: Once the data has been input, you may click on PL Calculation to perform auto-calculation:
If you need to calculate all the P/L in all the respective paths, please tick IS HIS before clicking on the PL Calculation button to calculate your Total P/L. You may click on the PL Calculation button and the system will auto-calculate the P/L according to your inputs. System will also auto update Settlement Date based on return data for closed trades:
You may also choose to input Option Settled Value to close the trade. |
Please repeat the above steps until the trade is closed, and refer to below for the description to learn more.
Description (only fields with * are compulsory)
Expired: Yes/No, if Expired Date (Exp Date) is before today’s date (if today > Exp Date, means expired), it means that the trade has expired, once you click on PL Calculation button, Expired field will indicate as Yes
Knock In: Yes/No, if the trade has knocked in - Knock In Triggering Price and Knock In Triggering Date are input, once you click on PL Calculation button, Knock In field will indicate as Yes
Knock Out: if the trade has knocked in - Knock Out Triggering Price and Knock Out Triggering Date are input, once you click on PL Calculation button, Knock Out field will indicate as Yes
Knock Out Date*: Knock Out Date
Period*: No. of days, if the trade applies “10 days” to calculate, please input “10” and the system will auto-calculate the P/L accordingly
Knock In Triggering Price: Knock In Triggering Price
Knock In Triggering Date: Knock In Triggering Date
Knock Out Triggering Price: Knock Out Triggering Price
Knock Out Triggering Date: Knock Out Triggering Date
Is Knock Out: If ticked, means knock out
In price path, if tick Is Knock Out and manually input P/L or click Calculate, Option Settled Value will be auto filled with P/L amount
In price path, if never tick Is Knock Out and manually input P/L or click Calculate, Option Market Value will be auto filled with P/L amount
P/L*: Input manually or system calculate: P/L value will appear in Option Market Value or Option Settled Value according to whether Expired and Knock Out is Yes or No.
If Expired or Knock Out, the corresponding columns will indicate as Yes, the system will auto update Total P/L value into Option Settled Value. Premium will also be added to Option Settled Value to obtain P/L value
If not Expired or Knock Out, the corresponding columns will indicate as No, the system will auto update Total P/L value into Option Market Value. Premium will also be added to Option Market Value to obtain UnP/L value