Admin Management

Admin Management

If you are an Agency Partner, MAF Admin will assign you with a Sales Code, which will allow you to gain access to the Sales Code Admin Management function. You will then be able to set up and manage your sales channel to track all the agents and client user accounts tagged under you, as well as referral commission details.

Please note that Agency refers to the manager/admin of the company and Agent refers to the agent under the manager/admin of the company. For instance, you may assign the sales code and set the Category as Agent to a sales agent under your company to tag him/her under your account. If you have other agency partners, you may assign a sales code and set the Category as Agency to the manager/admin of the company. They will then be able to perform the same method to assign the sales code to their sales agents, facilitating management of their sales team.

If User Type “Agency” is selected for the user: The assigned agency user will be able to gain access to the User Management table, as well as the similar Sale Code table to manage and assign sales code and commission % to their agents.

If User Type “Agent” is selected for the user: The assigned agent user will be able to gain access to the User Management table only to view the users under his/her account.

When your client is registering for a new account, you may advise them to input your sales code under “Sales Code”. Once the registration is complete, the user will be tagged directly under your account which will be reflected in the User Management table.

Otherwise, you may let MAF Admin (support@mafint.com) know the email addresses of your clients so that they can link your clients with your sales codes to tag them under your account.

Please refer to below to learn more.

1. To access the Admin Management page, click on Settings from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by Admin.


2. Please click on the Sales Code tab to access the table. As shown in the first row, MAF Admin has created a new row for you as an Agency, with the commission % indicated. MAF Admin is the Parent and your username is the Owner.

Please click on Add Row to add new agency or agent’s details and once saved, your username will be reflected under Parent column to signify that the Agency or Agent is under your Agency.

Sales Code: Unique sales code for your agency/agent, determined by you

Category (Cat): Agency (Entity) or Agent (Individual)

Owner Email: Unique email address of the agency or agent user you want to assign the sales code to

Commission %: Commission percentage for the agency or agent user. If it is 50%, please input 50


3. Once the details are filled, click on Save at the bottom left of the page to save the details. All the users you have assigned sales codes to will be able to access the Settings>Admin page immediately.

Please note that you will not be able to edit any data in the Sales Code table. If you want to make amendments, you may need to tick the checkbox of the row and click on Delete Row to delete the row.

Agency: Access to Sales Code table and User Management table


Agent: Access to User Management table only

4. When your client is registering for a new account, you may advise them to input your sales code under “Sales Code”. Once the registration is complete, the user will be tagged directly under your account which will be reflected in the User Management table.

Otherwise, you may let MAF Admin (support@mafint.com) know the email addresses of your clients so that they can link your clients with your sales codes to tag them under your account. Once linked, you may click on the User Management tab to view all the client users under your account, details include their last login time etc.



  1. MAF Admin is able to view all sales agencies/agents users, other agency users can only view their immediate agency or agent users.

2. When deleting row in the Sales Code table, it is subject to below validation:

  • if client user is linked to the agency/agent’s sales code, deletion will be rejected. You may need to request MAF Admin to delete the sale code from the client user first before the row can be deleted.

  • if agency has children code, deletion will be rejected. You may need to delete all the children agency/agent row before the parent agency row can be deleted.

3. MAF Admin can view all client users; Agency/Agent user can only view their client users; Only MAF Admin can update client users' values, so MAF Admin will input the Agency/Agent’s sales code to the client users

Open inspect to check the data in network to determine user type is 1 or 0

0: client
1: ‘AGENCY’,
2: ‘AGENT’

so if 0, means client

if 1, means agency

if 2, means agent or sales

so user_type is the value to control; if the user in sales code, then should be 1 or 2; otherwise, it is 0

Any sales agency is able to create sales code and assign to the agency/agent so sales agency is able to create his own sales agencies or sales agents under his umbrella;

Sale codes can be assigned to user with existing account, user can be under any agency if a sales code is assigned to the user; so the user could be both client and sales agent/agency


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