


Physical Trade

1. Ensure quantity in physical trade page is the same as your contract quantity. Please DO NOT input actual quantity as the trade quantity.

a. It could result in the deal failing to close due to the difference in buy and sell quantity.

b. Scroll down or click here to learn more in details.


2. Always monitor outstanding quantity in physical trade table:

a. If outstanding quantity in physical trade table is not 0, it means that the cargo title/ownership has not been received by your counterparty or delivered by your counterparty.

b. You will be required to ensure that the title transfer date has been input correctly.

c. Scroll down or click here to learn more in details.


3. If actual quantity is not input in trade execution page, contract quantity in create physical trade page will be used.

Actual Quantity (in trade execution page):


Contract Quantity (in physical trade page):



Physical Trade Execution

  1. Always check the title transfer date in trade execution table as it will be used to monitor cargo title status, as mentioned in point 2 above.


2. Always check actual quantity and actual price in trade execution table:

a. if no actual qty, MAF system will use contract quantity

b. if no actual price, MAF system will treat the status of the trade as unpriced


3. Always check the pricing block is filled in trade execution page. If you have only 1 price in trade pricing page, pricing block will be auto-filled. If you have multiple prices, you will need to go into trade execution page to select.


Deals Table

  1. Always check the outstanding quantity in deal table is 0.

a. If not, it is either the deal has not been completed yet or the buy and sell quantity are different. You will need to ensure the buy and sell quantity are exactly the same, by inputting contract quantity instead of actual quantity.

b. Scroll down or click here to learn more in details.


Dashboard - Portfolio P/L Details

1. Always select the preferred Start & End Date when creating the model and input 'Title Transfer Date' in trade execution page as necessary.

a. Start & End Date (cut-off date) are based on the 'Title Transfer Date'. If 'Title Transfer Date' is not input, 'Trade Date' will be used instead.

b. Click here to learn more.

In Trade Execution page:


In Physical Trade page:


2. MTM (Potential) Premium/Discount details if available, will be shown in the Portfolio P/L Details model, as the trade has not been closed. MTM and its premium/discount will disappear once the trade is closed (purchase match with sale and vice versa).


Dashboard - Physical Trade Inventory

  1. To allow trades to appear in the Physical Trade Inventory model, 'Title Transfer Date' must be filled in (input in trade execution page). This means that title of goods has been transferred or received.

a. Quantity of trades in the Physical Trade Inventory model are based on the actual quantity. If actual quantity is not input, contract quantity will be used instead.

b. Click here to learn more.

Actual Quantity (in trade execution page):


Contract Quantity (in physical trade page):


Expenses & Income Table

  1. Always check OUTSTANDING AMOUNT column. If it is not 0, it means that you have not paid/received the invoice amount and so the deal is not settled completely.

a. You will have to go to Accounting page to input the paid/received amount.


Payment Records

1. Always check OUTSTANDING AMOUNT column. If it is not 0, it means that you have not paid/received the invoice amount and so the deal is not settled completely.

a. You will have to go to Accounting page to input the paid/received amount.


Guide in Details

Physical Trade - Deal Not Closed

  1. Please ensure that the trade “Quantity” in physical trade page is the same as the quantity in your own contract (contract quantity). Please DO NOT input actual quantity as the trade “Quantity”.

    1. Wrong Outcome: It could result in the deal failing to close (“Outstanding Qty” not equal to 0) due to the difference in the buy and sell quantity. To monitor this, go to “DEALS” tab and filter the data based on “Outstanding Qty”. When values such as small values and values with decimal points eg 10.108 are spotted, you will be required to adjust the trade ‘Quantity’ accordingly.

    2. Ideal Outcome: If a deal is closed, the “Outstanding Qty” in “DEALS” tab will be 0, which means the trade’s buy and sell quantity match off each other.

    3. Note:
      Open/Closed Deals: Contract Quantity will be used to determine if the trades have been closed (purchase and sale transactions close each other off), and if closed, the 'Outstanding Qty' in "DEALS" tab will be displayed as 0.

      Calculations: Actual Quantity (input in trade execution page) will be used for the calculations in the table, but if Actual Quantity is not input yet, the Contract Quantity will be used instead.


Physical Trade - Cargo Title Status

2. Please monitor “Outstanding Qty” in physical trade table in “TRADES” tab to determine the cargo title status. If the “Outstanding Qty” has value, it means that the “Title Transfer Date” is not input yet.

a. Input the title transfer date in the trade’s “trade execution page” and the “Outstanding Qty” in physical trade table in “TRADES” tab will be reflected as “0”. This means that the cargo title/ownership has been received by your counterparty or delivered by your counterparty.

b. If the “Outstanding Qty” in physical trade table is not “0”, it means that the cargo title/ownership has not been received by your counterparty or delivered by your counterparty. Please input the trade’s title transfer date once it is available.


Data Connection

Our data center is based in Singapore, using Amazon Web Services (AWS). If you are outside of Singapore and face connection issues eg laggy connection when using our system, you can access the following websites to check the speed from your location to AWS or ALICLOUD data centers:


Click on the “HTTP Ping” button to begin checking the latency number to determine the connection speed; the lower, the better. With this, we will be able to easily know if the connection issue is associated with your internet connection or our system’s issue.

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