List of Definitions: Accounting

List of Definitions: Accounting

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Bank Details IDDate on which trade was created16
Company NameName of CompanyShell
Beneficiary Bank NameName of Beneficiary Bank (Receiving bank where a person or entity has an account)
Swift CodeIdentification code used to identify banks and financial institutions globally
Beneficiary A/C NameAccount Name of Beneficiary Bank 
Beneficiary Bank A/C No.Account Number of Beneficiary Bank 1111
Correspondent BankIntermediary/Agent, financial institution that provides services to another one OCBC1
Correspondent Bank Swift CodeIdentification code used by the correspondent bank1
Created ByUser who creates the dealMax
Created OnDate/Time when deal was created03-Feb-2019
Last Updated ByUser who last updated the dealLydia
Last UpdatedDate/Time when deal was last updated17-Jun-2019

2. PAYMENT RECORDS** Page not updated on dev portal

Outstanding Payment Records/Settled Payment Records

PR IDUnique ID tagged to each payment record, auto-generated by system123
PR Ref No.Reference Number193
PR TitleTitle of invoiceRubber Invoice Sale
Contract No.Contract number of the payment recordABC-P
Issue/ReceiptTo issue/receive an invoice from your counterpartiesISSUE
PR DesDescription of the invoice
PR DateDate the invoice is issued01-Feb-2018
Due DateDate when payment is expected20-Feb-2019
Self EntityCompany name (whom the invoice belongs to)Shell
Bill To (From)Counterparty to issue or to receive the invoiceCounterparty ABC
Bank A/CBank Account of the company (whom the invoice belongs to)1111
PR ActionProvides more details on whether the payment is payable or receivable Payable
Balanced AmountTotal invoice amount to be received/paid from/by counterparties.1,000.00
Settled AmountTotal amount received/paid from/by counterparties.200.00
Oustanding AmountTotal amount not received/paid from/by counterparties500.00
CCYPayment currencyUSD
Created byUser who creates the dealMax
Created onDate/Time when deal was created03-Feb-2019
Last Updated byUser who last updated the dealLydia
Last UpdatedDate/Time when deal was last updated17-Jun-2019


Unallocated Bank Transaction

Bank Transaction IDUnique ID tagged to each unallocated bank transaction, auto-generated by system47
DateDate when amount from the transaction is paid/received 27-Feb-2019
Ref. No.Reference Number4
TypeProvides more details on whether the payment is paid/receivedPaid
Actual AmountActual amount you received/paid1,000.00
Other CostsAny additional cost incurred from this transaction100.00
Invoice Amount

Final amount that you received/paid and can now be allocated to your invoice

Unallocated AmountRemaining unallocated amount1,000.00
Bank A/CBank account receiving the payment000328474
Company NameCompany name (whom the contract belongs to)Shell
BT CCYPayment currency of bank transactionUSD
RemarksAny additional comments
Created byUser who creates the dealMax
Created onDate/Time when deal was created03-Feb-2019
Last Updated byUser who last updated the dealLydia
Last UpdatedDate/Time when deal was last updated17-Jun-2019

Allocated Bank Transaction

Allocate toA drop-down list to select the invoice that you want to allocate your bank transaction into -
Bank Transaction IDUnique ID tagged to each allocated bank transaction, auto-generated by system48
Bank Transaction DateDate when amount from the transaction is paid/received 03-Mar-2019
Bank Transaction Ref No.Reference Number234
TypeProvides more details on whether the payment is paid/receivedReceived
Bank A/CBank Account of the company (whom the contract belongs to)000328474
Company NameCompany name (whom the contract belongs to)Dell
BT CCYCurrency of amount allocated to the invoiceSGD
BT Allocated AmountAmount to allocate to the invoice1,0000.00
Final Allocated AmountFinal amount allocated to the payment record1,0000.00
EX RateExchange rate0.74
PR CCYPayment currencyUSD
RemarksAny additional comments
PR IDUnique ID tagged to each payment record, auto-generated by system40
PR No.Reference Number123
PR TitleTitle of invoiceRubber Invoice Sale
PR DesDescription of the invoice
PR DateDate the invoice is issued01-Feb-2018
PR Net AmountTotal unsettled amount12,000.00
Outstanding BalanceOutstanding balance of invoice that is unsettled2,000.00

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