MAF Cloud: FAQs
MAF Cloud: FAQs
Browse Topics
Onboarding Guide
- Data Security - MAF Cloud SaaS - AWS Server
- How do I learn more about the functions in MAF Cloud?
- Can I change the colour scheme of the layout in the MAF Cloud?
- How do I 'force reload' my browser to get the latest version of MAF Cloud's updates?
- What should I do if my browser has blocked my access to MAF Cloud?
- Can I use Internet Explorer browser to access MAF Cloud?
- Can multiple users use the same account?
- What should I do if I cannot access shared dashboard/model link in my mobile?
- How do I save MAF Cloud portal as an app icon in my mobile's home screen to view Group Dashboard directly?
Account Administration
- How do I change my personal particulars?
- How do I terminate or delete my account?
- How do I change my password?
- What if I forgot my password?
- What if my account verification email has expired?
Free Trial
- How do I sign up for a free trial?
- How does the free trial work?
- How do I know when will my free trial expire?
- What happens after the free trial ends?
MAF Portfolio Management Suite
- What is the MAF Portfolio Management Suite (MPMS)?
- How do I create a portfolio and portfolio hierarchy?
- How do I capture (create) trades and allocate them into my portfolio?
- How do I view, edit or delete my portfolio's details?
- How do I record transactions in my General Ledger?
- How do I create my customised Dashboard?
- How do I share my Dashboard and Models?
- How are the P/L in the portfolio calculated?
MAF Demurrage Management Suite
- How do I duplicate back-to-back claims?
- How do I perform demurrage calculations in MAF Cloud?
- How do I use the Demurrage Claims Offset List?
- How do I customise the Demurrage Claims Offset List to suit my needs?
- How does the MAF Link function work?
- What are the type of data shared via MAF Link function?
- What keyboard keys should I use in the Demurrage page?
- How do I add a new claim record into the table?
- How do I update my claim record(s) in the table?
- How do I delete my claim record(s) in the table?
- How do I import data into the Demurrage Claims Table?
- How do I filter the data and arrange the columns in the table?
- How do the Upcoming Notification Timebar and Upcoming Full Claim Timebar work?
- How do I create a new demurrage calculation?
- How do I add demurrage calculations into the existing claim record?
- How do I add, update or delete port details?
- Where do I find the calculation summary?
- How do I generate demurrage report in PDF?
- How do I export demurrage data as .CSV or Excel file?
- How do I understand the demurrage terms used in MAF Cloud?
- Why is the current final amount different from the calculated amount in MAF Cloud?
- How do I set timebar schedule reminder email in MAF Cloud?
- Why does the Demurrage Calculation page take some time to load?
- MAFLink token failure case
Enterprise Solution Plan
- Group
- What features/access are available for the Enterprise Solution Plan?
- How do I add/remove user(s) into/from a group?
- How do I create/remove a group?
- How do I view/edit my group's details?
- How do I link/unlink licence to/from the group?
- What are the available roles (and their access permission) in a group?
- How do I invite/remove group into/from my Company?
- Can I join a group if I am a Company Profile Creator?
- Why is my Company Group Management table empty after I invite group into my Company successfully?
- Why can't I view the company data table setting after I have joined a group?
- Why is my group not auto added to my company's group?
- Company
- How do I set up my Company Profile?
- Why do I need to set up my Company Profile?
- What is a Company Profile Creator?
- How do I and what happens if I remove a group from my Company?
- What are the available roles (and their access permission) in a group (Company)?
- How do I standardise the inputs in drop-down lists to ensure consistency among other members in the group?
- Can I key in my inputs directly into the drop-down lists?
- What are the types of inputs that I can set up in the Company Data Table?
- Can I edit company profile after joining a group?
- Do I have to input my company profile if I am not the Company Profile Creator?
Physical Trade Management Suite
- How do I capture(create) a new Physical Trade?
- Can I edit "Premium/Discount" details in "Trade Execution" page?
- Do I need to exclude the premium/discount amount when keying in the actual price?
- How do I key in the actual quantity for premium/discount pricing?
- What quantity should I key in the pricing and trade execution page?
- When do I need to use the TERM contract method?
- What is the difference between the Outstanding Quantity in TRADES tab and DEALS tab?
- Can I edit my deal number in an existing physical trade?
- Does the EXPENSES & INCOMES table involve MTM pricing?
- Is contract or actual quantity used in Physical Trade Inventory Matrix?
- P/L Calculations in Portfolio vs Models in Dashboard
Market Data
Subscription Plan (Licences)
- What are the Subscription Plans available in MAF Cloud?
- How does the Billing of the Subscription Plans work?
- How do I purchase a licence in MAF Cloud?
- Can I purchase a licence via email or over the phone?
- How do I know how many licences I have?
- How do I know which/how many licence(s) I have been assigned?
- Will my licence be automatically renewed?
- Is there a limit to the number licence(s) I can purchase?
- How can I remove/cancel my licence?
- How do I assign licence(s) to another user?
- How do I unassign licence(s) from another user?
- How do I edit my credit card details?
- How do I know the billing amount and next billing period for my licences?
- How do I download invoice and view my billing history?
- Can I request for a refund?
- Will I receive an invoice after making payment?
- What are the available payment methods?
- What will happen if payment has failed?
- How do I change my payment methods/ details?
- How do I make payment for my subscription?
User Policies
MAF Cloud Data
- What kind of data does MAF Cloud provide?
- How often is the data on MAF Cloud refreshed?
- What exchanges are covered?
- What kind of data may I upload and use in MAF Cloud?
- What kind of Quantitative Models are available?
- How accurate is MAF Cloud’s data?
- How long will the data in MAF Cloud be stored after I end my free trial/ subscription?
- At what time of the day does MAF Cloud’s datafeed get updated?
- Will my data be private and safe?
Paper Trades
- What if the Tradex direct file upload was unsuccessful for paper trades?
- What if I receive a Saving failed- AC1000: DUPLICATE error when editing paper trades?
User Role Management
- Can a user be assigned to multiple roles?
- How do I assign roles to different users?
- What are the different roles available?
- How do I become a partner?
- What does being a partner entail?
- Why is this partnership platform available?
Payment Records
- If I update details in physical trade page, will my existing payment record be updated too?
- Why are the trade details in my payment record not auto-linked from the physical trade?
Contact Us
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