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MAF Cloud: FAQs
Onboarding Guide
Account Administration
Free Trial
MAF Portfolio Management Suite
MAF Demurrage Management Suite
How do I duplicate back-to-back claims?
How do I perform demurrage calculations in MAF Cloud?
How do I use the Demurrage Claims Offset List?
How do I customise the Demurrage Claims Offset List to suit my needs?
How does the MAF Link function work?
What are the type of data shared via MAF Link function?
What keyboard keys should I use in the Demurrage page?
How do I add a new claim record into the table?
How do I update my claim record(s) in the table?
How do I delete my claim record(s) in the table?
How do I import data into the Demurrage Claims Table?
How do I filter the data and arrange the columns in the table?
How do the Upcoming Notification Timebar and Upcoming Full Claim Timebar work?
How do I create a new demurrage calculation?
How do I add demurrage calculations into the existing claim record?
How do I add, update or delete port details?
Where do I find the calculation summary?
How do I generate demurrage report in PDF?
How do I export demurrage data as .CSV or Excel file?
How do I understand the demurrage terms used in MAF Cloud?
Why is the current final amount different from the calculated amount in MAF Cloud?
How do I set timebar schedule reminder email in MAF Cloud?
Why does the Demurrage Calculation page take some time to load?
MAFLink token failure case
Enterprise Solution Plan
Physical Trade Management Suite
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MAF Cloud: FAQs
How do I add, update or delete port details?
How do I add, update or delete port details?
IT Support
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IT Support
Last updated:
Apr 09, 2020
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