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This page provides a list of definitions, for any table items related to 'Market Data' that you might encounter in MAF Cloud.


Table of Contents


Viewing Market Data



Under 'Market Data' in the navigation sidebar on the left, click 'Create Market Data' or 'View Market Data'.

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The items here are found in the main page for 'View Market Data', as well as the first half of the 'Create Market Data' page.

Market Data IDUnique ID automatically generated for each market data1234
ExchangeExchange that product is traded in (or source of market data)FREDLME
Ex DescriptionAny additional description for exchangeFRED
Data NameFull name of productAll Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls Monthly (Seasonally Adjusted)
Contract CodeContract code for product, as used by exchange (refer to Futures Contracts Codes for contract codes)PAYEMS
Gold Forward
Product TypeType of product/dataFutures/Spot FX/Forward/Fundamental
Product CodeCode for product, as used for MAF Cloud (almost always same as Contract Code)PAYEMSProduct code to select from drop down list. After selecting the code, 'Name' will be auto-filledSHFE/PB
FrequencyFrequency at which product/data is traded and/or updatedDaily/Delayed/Real-Time/Monthly
UnitUnit data is expressed inThousands of PersonsUpdated AtDate/time of most recent update2020-02-08 06:01:29Barrels
Base Number
Data SourceSource of dataFREDMAFINT
Created ByUser from whom data is sourced. (eg. if data is from MAF Cloud, "Created By" = "MAF")MAF
Created OnDate/time data is created2020-02-08 06:01:29
Last Updated ByUser who last updated the dataMAF
Updated AtDate/time of most recent update2020-02-08 06:01:29




Updating Market Data Details

1. Under 'Market Data' in the navigation sidebar on the left, click 'Create Market Data' or 'View Market Data'.

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2.  Under In 'View Market Data' table, under the 'Actions' column in the table, click 'View' (represented by an 'eye' icon).

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You will be directed to the 'Historical Data' page.

Image Removed

The items in this table are for dedicated pages for individual products, which can be accessed by clicking on the 'View' (represented by an 'eye icon) for the selected product. It is also applicable for 'Creating New Market Data' (second half).

Data NameFull name of productDBL-Daily Dated Brent vs Brent 1st Line Future
ExchangeExchange that product is traded in (or source of market data)ICE
Product CodeProduct code to select from drop down list. After selecting the code, 'Name' will be auto-filledSHFE/PB
UnitUnit data is expressed inBarrels
Data SourceSource of dataFRED
FrequencyFrequency at which product/data is traded and/or updatedDaily/Delayed/Real-Time/Monthly
Product TypeType of product/dataFutures/Spot FX/Forward/Fundamental
Ex DescriptionAny additional description for exchangeIntercontinental Exchange
DateDate of market data2020-02-13
Month*Contract month (for futures products; in code) (refer to Futures Contracts Codes for month codes)
Year*Contract year
(for futures products; last 2 digits)20
Valuation Date*Date of delivery (for forward contracts)2020-12-31

Opening price of product

("Open" = 0 if there was no trading that day)

CloseClosing price of product120
High Highest price reached in that trading day123
LowLowest price reached in that trading day110
LastLast known price for that day120
SettlementSettlement price for that day120
ChangeChange from previous day20
Chg%Percentage change from previous day
(if provided by vendor)
VolTrading volume on that day (in product's units)12
OIOpen interest0

*Please click Understanding Market Data Structure for more information.


Proprietary Market Data

PMD IDUnique ID automatically generated for each proprietary market data118
CodeProduct code to select from drop down list. After selecting the code, 'Name' will be auto-filledSHFE/PB
NameName of product which will be auto-filled after selecting 'Code'Lead
MonthContract month (for futures products; in code) (refer to Futures Contracts Codes for month codes)May
YearContract year2021
Valuation DateDate of delivery (for forward contracts)2021-06-31
DateDate of market data/settlement price2021-06-31

Opening price of product

("Open" = 0 if there was no trading that day)

HighHighest price reached in that trading day189
LowLowest price reached in that trading day180
LastLast known price for that day188
CloseClosing price of product188
SettlementSettlement price for that day188
Created ByUser from whom data is created/sourced. (eg. if data is from MAF Cloud, "Created By" = "MAF")MAF
Created OnDate/time data is created2020-02-08 06:01:29
Last Updated ByUser who last updated the dataTrader A
Last Updated OnDate/time of most recent update2020-02-08 06:01:29