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ExchangeExchange product is traded in (or source of market data)FRED
Ex Description

Data NameFull name of ProductAll Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls Monthly (Seasonally Adjusted)
Contract CodeContract code for product, as used by exchangePAYEMS
Product TypeType of product/dataFundamental
Product Code


FrequencyFrequency at which product/data is traded and/or updatedMonthly
UnitUnit data is expressed inThousands of Persons
Updated AtDate/time of most recent update2020-02-08 06:01:29
Data SourceData SourceFRED
Created ByUser from whom data is sourced. If data is in MAF Cloud, e.g. "Created By" = "MAF"MAF


Creating/Viewing Market Data Dedicated Page 
('Market Data' → 'Create Market Data' or 'View Market Data' → 'Actions' → 'View' icon → 'Historical Data') 

The items in this table are for dedicated pages for individual products, which can be accessed by clicking on the 'View' (represented by an 'eye) icon for the selected product. It is also applicable for 'Creating New Market Data' (second half).
