3. Options Calculator Enhancements
Add more columns in private market data price:
Add underlying product for option product in product data table
if it is futures option, then underlying is the similar futures product
if it is spot option, then underlying is the similar spot product
if it is forward option, then underlying is the similar forward product
GET option product list and option formula list API
Bugs fixed
Error for TURNBULL-WAKEMAN ASIAN model fixed
Add new UI for user to input their customised days information in one year: Last Trading Day and Year Days
Add Time to last trading day column (TTM) and period of average pricing of contract in year column (POC)
Cannot click Option Pricing Formula dropdown list bug fixed
Spot Price should be editable
Calculate error messages changed
Strike Price, Year Days, RFR(%) and COC(%) should be number
If input Year Days below TTM/POC error message changed
Change format of underlying price
Last Trading Day is compulsory item and drop down list fixed
Manual input bug fixed
Strike Price is compulsory item, and should be number but in text format
Sigma error message fixed
Bug for option calculator for different products fixed
Option Calculator - currently, BE using settlement date for all rows. but in fact, different row may have different settlement date in table. so we need to use settlement date in row instead; use settlement day of row for each row calculation
Allow RFR and COC to be negative and 0, as long as it is a number
sigma, ttm and poc should not allow negative; settlement price, spot price and underlying price could be negative.
Year days, RFR% and COC% should be number
Manual input and calculate function bug fixed
when manually add new trade, after input underlying price, “sa“ to BE should be float, not str; For open contracts, SETTLEMENT, SPOT PRICE, SIGMA,TTM,POC should be editable.
Year days can not be small than ttm/poc, need BE to do validation check and raise error; BE has done Nan value check. if premium is Nan value, raise error.
If there is no maf product id, month, year, raise error message when click the calculate button in last trading day.
if there is no STRIKE, UNDERLYING PRICE, raise error message
FRF and COC if 0 will have error bug fixed