组别盈亏报表:提供所有交易及其总盈亏的概览,以及盈亏的每日变化、佣金和费用/收入详情。这可以与历史组别盈亏一起使用。可以看到品种、交易策略、公司、 交易员的不同维度来查看盈亏,以及总盈亏。头寸表报表:The Position Matrix displays the composition of assets within a portfolio and their open net positions (the constituent assets in the portfolio are selected by the user in the Create Portfolio section).
Please note that only open positions will be displayed in the Position Matrix. Open positions refer to trades without actual price but with/without title transfer dates. This means that any trades with actual price will be considered closed and not show in the Position Matrix. This works differently from the open positions in the portfolio page where trades without actual price and/or title transfer date will remain open.