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User Guide

Jira Ticket

1. Dashboard - Add Portfolio Return Table (%) (投资组合回报率)

  • Start Date cache forever

  • End Date default auto update to yesterday

  • JAN - DEC: 1 - 12

  • All values * 100 as it is in percentage

  • If positive value: show in red

  • If negative value: show in green

  • Group in setting, disable user to select, always Portfolio.

  • Show Total Return: total_r * 100 %, map to total_r above the table.

New Feature

Portfolio Return (%) Table

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

2. Product Data - Add one more unit (MMBtu) in Created and Edit Product Data Unit drop down list


Product Data

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

3. Change password API update



Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

4. Physical Trade - Missing Pricing and Trade Recap details eg INE/BC; 8/2022 fixed


Managing Physical Trades

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

5. Physical Trade - Exchange Rate Adjustment for P/L calculations: Even if settlement currency is same as pricing currency for physical trade, we need to consider exchange rate

For example, physical trade uses import and export trade mode

deal currency is USD

pricing currency is CNY, there is an exchange rate for this physical trade. e.g., USDCNY = 6.0

however, deal parent portfolio is CNY

current logic:

  • when loading deal parent portfolio, since both portfolio and pricing currency are CNY, so no exchange rate

new logic

when loading deal parent portfolio, BE will

  • change pricing currency to USD @ 6.0 and then use current exchange rate USDCNY convert it back to CNY.

sample case:

in deal UUU, there is a physical trade:

deal ccy is USD, physical trade pricing ccy is CNY, and there is a exchange rate in trade execuation page which is 0.15

so you can see in UUU portfolio, sett ccy is USD, there are two exchange rate for benchmark and MTM pricing

  1. MTM is using current ccy on 18 May which is 0.14842

  2. Benchmark is using exchange rate fixed in execution page which is 0.15


in CNYTESY, it is CNY as sett ccy. you can see that

  1. MTM exchange rate == 1, coz both currencies are CNY

  2. Benchmark exchange rate == 1.01065 although both ccies are CNY. the reason is

    1. 1st, we need convert it from CNY to USD in sub-portfolio UUU at 0.15 rate

    2. 2nd, we need convert it from USD to CNY in CNYTESY portfolio @ 0.14842

    3. that is it is 1.01065 (0.15/0.14842)

Basically, there are 3 types of currency:

  • portfolio currency

  • deal currency

  • settlement currency (product pricing)

If deal ccy and settlement currency are different, exchange rate can be input in phy trade execution or system will use its own exchange rate to calculate P/L.

If portfolio ccy is different from deal ccy, system will use system exchange rate or exchange rate set in proprietary market data to calculate P/L.

But for example, if physical trade uses Import/Export Trade Mode, deal ccy is USD, settlement ccy is CNY, so there is an exchange rate of e.g., USDCNY = 6.0. But portfolio currency is CNY.

So now we need to consider if there are 2 trades (buy/sell), both deal ccy is USD; sell contract with settlement ccy as CNY (so no exchange rate; also because MTM pricing cannot allow input of exchange rate so exchange rate will be system default 0.14842) and buy contract with settlement ccy as CNY so need to self input exchange rate (0.15).

So by putting this deal (1 buy 1 sell trade) into a portfolio with portfolio ccy CNY, the system will need to do auto conversion to calculate the P/L for both buy and sell contracts using the same exchange rate (0.14842).

In this case, sell contract has exchange rate of 1 (using 0.14842 since no conversion is required); buy contract is using 0.15 as exchange rate, so need to convert to the default 0.14842 so 0.15/0.14842 to get the ex rate of 1.01065. Then it is multiplied by its UnP/L to determine the P/L, together with the sell contract

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Managing Physical Trades

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

10 MAY 2022 - VERSION 3.0.5
