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30天试用期结束后,After the 30 days' free trial, you may continue to access MAF Cloud with the 'Basic Plan' for free. Access to the 'Add-on Plans' are chargeable as described below.
In MAF Cloud, subscribing to a plan refers to purchasing a licence (See: Purchase Plans). You will need to purchase a licence to access the features in the plan.
Basic | Essential Features |
| Free |
Add-ons | MAF Portfolio Management Suite (MPMS) |
| USD100/Portfolio |
Physical Trade Management Suite |
| USD600/User | |
Enterprise Solution Plan |
| USD500/5 Users | |
Bespoke Features |
| Please contact us for more details. |
*10% discount is applicable for yearly subscription (yearly cost = monthly cost * 12 * 0.9).
Basic Plan: All users will be able to access all the features in the Basic Plan for free.
Add-ons to the 'Basic Plan':
MAF Portfolio Management Suite: MAF Cloud allows users to compile some/all of the trades captured into a portfolio, and perform quantitative analysis with Portfolio Management Models in the ‘Dashboard’. Subscribing to this plan gives users access to the Portfolio and General Ledger features, at USD100 per portfolio. Subsequent portfolios (including child portfolios) may be purchased at the same rate.
Physical Trade Management Suite: This is an additional feature for users who conduct physical trades, and would like to capture them in MAF Cloud. Subscribing to this plan allows users (who already have at least 1 MPMS License) to access functions under 'View Physical Trade', and combine unlimited paper and physical trades in their portfolio(s), at USD600 per user.
Enterprise Solution Plan: Subscribing to this plan allows the user to create a group and invite up to 5 other users. The inviting user may access the information (trades, portfolio, general ledger etc.) of other users in the group. This user may also obtain various quantitative data of the combined portfolios of some/all of the users using models in the Dashboard, to track individual and/or group performance. Other users may be given different access to roles/functions within the group. To cater to teams with more than 5 users, users may purchase multiple plans at the same rate.
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