1. Sign up for an account in MAF Cloud:
a. Account Verification Email: Please follow the instructions in the email to verify your email address to activate your account, and sign in.
b. Welcome Email: This provides some guidance on navigating and using MAF Cloud, to help you get started!
2. Gain access to 30 days’ free trial for all subscription plans.
- Free Basic Plan: Dashboard, Paper Trade, Market Data, Product Data
- MAF Portfolio Management Suite: Portfolio, MAF Commodity Risks and Settlement Solution Factsheet.pdf
- MAF Demurrage Management Suite: Demurrage, Video, MAF Demurrage Management Suite Fact Sheet FINAL.pdf, MAF Demurrage Report Sample.pdf
- MAF Physical Trade Management Suite: Physical Trade, MAF Commodity Risks and Settlement Solution Factsheet.pdf
- Enterprise Solution Plan: Groups, Company