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ExchangeExchange that product is traded in (or source of market data)FRED
Ex DescriptionAny additional description for exchangeFRED
Data NameFull name of ProductproductAll Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls Monthly (Seasonally Adjusted)
Contract CodeContract code for product, as used by exchangePAYEMS
Product TypeType of product/dataFundamental
Product CodeCode for product, as used for MAF Cloud (almost always same as Contract Code)PAYEMS
FrequencyFrequency at which product/data is traded and/or updatedMonthly
UnitUnit data is expressed inThousands of Persons
Updated AtDate/time of most recent update2020-02-08 06:01:29
Data SourceData Source of dataFRED
Created ByUser from whom data is sourced. (eg. if data is from MAF Cloud, "Created By" = "MAF")MAF
