Type | Description | Example | |
Exchange | Exchange product is traded in (or source of market data) | FRED | |
Ex Description | Any additional description for exchange | FRED | |
Data Name | Full name of Product | All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls Monthly (Seasonally Adjusted) | |
Contract Code | Contract code for product, as used by exchange | PAYEMS | |
Product Type | Type of product/data | Fundamental | |
Product Code | Code for product, as used for MAF Cloud (almost always same as Contract Code) | PAYEMS | |
Span | Frequency | Frequency at which product/data is traded and/or updated | Monthly |
Unit | Unit data is expressed in | Thousands of Persons | |
Updated At | Date/time of most recent update | 2020-02-08 06:01:29 | |
Data Source | Data Source | FRED | |
Created By | User from whom data is sourced. (eg. If if data is in from MAF Cloud, e.g. "Created By" = "MAF") | MAF |
Creating/Viewing Market Data Dedicated Page
('Market Data' → 'Create Market Data' or 'View Market Data' → 'Actions' → 'View' icon → 'Historical Data')
Type | Description | Example |
Date | Date of market data | 2020-02-13 |
Month* | Contract month (for futures products; in code) | U |
Year* | Contract year (for futures products; last 2 digits) | 20 |
Valuation Date* | Date of delivery (for forward contracts) | 2020-12-31 |
Open | Opening price of product ("Open" = 0 if there was no trading that day) | 111 |
Close | Closing price of product | 120 |
High | Highest price reached in that trading day | 123 |
Low | Lowest price reached in that trading day | 110 |
Last | Last known price for that day | 120 |
Settlement | Settlement price for that day | 120 |
Change | Change from previous day | 520 |
Chg% | Percentage change from previous day | 20% |
Vol | Trading volume on that day (in product's units) | 12 |
OI | Open interest | 0 |