27 APR 2023 - VERSION 3.1.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
If modifications are made to saved data, the cells should be displayed in a prominent colour to easily indicate which changes were made. Once saved, the color display is no longer necessary. | Enhancement | ||
Tax classification name Chinese: 税收分类名称 after INVOICE NO. text format compulsory IN invoice issuing add Tax classification name in ITEMS dropdown list add inv_group_no in ITEMS dropdown list so that they only need to choose one time and inv_group_no doesn’t need dropdown list anymore since it will be auto filled after ITEMS are chosen. | Enhancement | ||
| Enhancement |
26 APR 2023 - VERSION 3.1.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
1. INVOICE -PAID: 1:SPECIFICATION column should not be compulsory 2: CCY column auto fill by CONTRACT CCY (when they choose contract no.) 3:unit should be 中文 (we can now just translate kilogram and metric ton to 千克, 吨) 4:when choose contract no, if there is only one 开票品名 and one 税收分类编码, tax rate should also auto fill, also check if the 税收分类编码 is right COMPANY DATA -INVOICE : 1: CHINESE TRANSLATION of INVOICE NO. 发票号 to 税收分类编码 INVOICE ISSUE EXPORT: 1:税收分类编码 should be text format 2:can we move all rows have been issued to another place (like assigned and unassigned in RECEIVED) 3: ISSUE TEMPLATE MODIFY: 税率(%) to 税率 , Add a percentage sign after the exported number. | Enhancement |
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2. add sum function for all related columns in SETTLEMENT AND UPDATED SETTLEMENT all columns related with QTY all columns related with AMT/AMOUNT also,tick row to view aggregated summary | Enhancement |
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3. Position issue of Daily statement - physical trade position and paper trade split
| Enhancement |
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4. New Physical Trades - Reduce white space in table for light theme | Enhancement |
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5. Admin - add company name in User Management and Clean up table | Enhancement |
17 - 25 APR 2023 - VERSION 3.1.4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement |
3. Receiving invoice - upload file template change; also only highlight columns need to be upload changes:购买方名称 map to COMPANY 货物或应税劳务名称 map to INVOICE PROD 税收分类编码 map to inv_group_no (INVOICE NO. in PAID tab, we have not added this column in RECEIVED yet) the new template delete the TOTAL PRICE & TAX column, now when uploading, system should firstly upload AMOUNT and TAX AMT, then fill this column ( AMOUNT + TAX AMT) new aggregate rule: after they upload the file, system should aggregate all the rows with same “开票日,商品名称(货物或应税劳务名称 in template),规格型号,单位,税率,销方名称, 税收分类编码“ and recalculate the sum of “数量,金额,税额,价税合计(金额+税额)”
4. Upload file in RECEIVED, all the LEDGER TYPE = 开票 . It should be 收票 and save to RECEIVED
5. 不在一个GROUP的人,看不到收票信息 | Enhancement |
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6. Set table size (right click to set height) in dashboard After we deploy the set the size of contract interface, the size of the table can also be set in the dashboard. However, there are some areas that need to be optimised. 1:After changing the size, the horizontal scroll bar may disappear or become unresponsive. 2:After changing the size, how can they adjust it back to the original default size of the system | Enhancement |
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7. New trades tab Allow pin all columns located from the left or right instead of individually select columns to pin - for trades tab first | Enhancement |
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8. New Physical Trade - Trades table add ACTION column one of item in ACTION column is AUTO CO (auto contract no. from main, please improve it if you have better idea)
| Enhancement |
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9. Purchase and sale contract - adjust positive and negative signs | Enhancement |
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10. When a cell is selected, the row and column that the cell belongs to are highlighted with colours - for trades table first | Enhancement |
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11. Daily Statement enhancements 1: remove these two columns path and group since they are too long and affect the readability of the report. With only one screen to work with, these two columns take up half of the space. 2: need group function 3:Daily changes are normal, but they become "nan" when they are included in the Daily statement. 4:If too many portfolios are selected in the Daily statement, the table cannot be opened. 5:When they changed the end date in the settings, the table failed to load.
| Enhancement |
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12. PSL & Invoice amt calculation issue We use the quantity and price recorded in the contract to calculate the amount in the Trades tab. However, we use the data in the pricing to calculate the amount in the Invoice and PSL sections. This may cause issues, and we need to decide how to modify it.
| Enhancement |
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13. New Physical Trades - Trade tab - Bug for PSL&invoice related columns fixed bugs: for 102685, after I delete all QTY and PRICE data, there are still BAL AMT and UN INV AMT for 102686, after I key the PRICE and QTY, BAL AMT and UN INV QTY UN INV AMT are null The right logic should be: for each trade, once they key the price and qty but not yet record PSL or INVOICE for this contract, PSL AMT, INV QTY, INV AMT should be 0 and BAL AMT , UN INV QTY , UN INV AMT should not be null.
Initial BAL AMT, UN INV QTY, UN INV AMT formulas have no change | Enhancement |
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14. ALL the columns have this filter issue, when deselect certain item, it is not filtered Having issue on filter master row data. Need to filter out the child row value first then only can filter master row. If remove master row (with child row) might solve the issue. | Enhancement |
17 APR 2023 - VERSION 3.1.3/4
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
| Enhancement | | |
2. Company Data - Add new tab in company data management | New Feature | ||
3. New Physical Trades - PS Ledger and Invoice
| Enhancement | ||
4. New Physical - Invoice: Add Issue Invoice tab Pre-set two types of layouts in the invoice tab in advance, one is for Receive and the other is for Issue. Current Invoice page is for Receive
| Enhancement | ||
5. New Physical Trades - Updated Settlement tab
| Enhancement |