30 JUN 2023 - VERSION 3.1.7
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket | ||||||||
translate in new phy trade - physical and warrant | Enhancement |
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采/销售量汇总 Users need to choose summary mode first: CONTRACT or STOCK 业务口径或者财务口径 Aggregate all contracts based on P/S DATE, PRODUCT, PURCHASE/SALE, TRADE MODE, and calculate the sum of QTY, AMT, AMT BEFORE TAX columns: P/S DATE 采/销日期:based on the time dimensions (note a) and summary mode (note b) PRODUCT 品种 PURCHASE/SALE 采/销 TRADE MODE 交易模式 QTY 数量: based on summary mode (note b) AMT 采/销成本: QTY * PRICE (priority:CONTRACT ACTUAL PRICE > PROVISIONAL PRICE) AMT BEFORE TAX 采/销不含税成本: AMT/ (1+ CONTRACT TAX RATE)
note a: Three time dimensions: daily, weekly, monthly Daily:specific date weekly: 某月第几周 monthly:几月
note b: Two summary modes based on CONTRACT or STOCK CONTRACT 业务口径:P/S DATE is based on trade date in new physical trade table, QTY is (priority: CONTRACT ACTUAL QTY > QTY in physical trade) STOCK 财务口径:P/S DATE is based on stock date in stock management, QTY is stock_contract_qty P/S DATE 采/销日期:based on the time dimensions (note a) and summary mode (note b) PRODUCT 品种 PURCHASE/SALE 采/销 TRADE MODE 交易模式 QTY 数量: based on summary mode (note b) AMT 采/销成本: QTY * PRICE (priority:CONTRACT ACTUAL PRICE > PROVISIONAL PRICE) AMT BEFORE TAX 采/销不含税成本: AMT/ (1+ CONTRACT TAX RATE)
make it more flexible, we put group keys in settings and let users to choose. the dropdown list could from BE dashboard meta data PRODUCT 品种 PURCHASE/SALE 采/销 TRADE MODE 交易模式 | Enhancement |
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket | ||||||||
Add new columns in STOCK MANAGEMENT some changes in the table:
YES, no more Scope Match ID no longer using dropdown list right, if so does the previous logic remained the same or need to do some changes? No more logic for Match ID and also remove Bal Qty in FE. Stock Action:
Stock Type
Note: DELIVERY MODE will changes to non-editable, auto fill when there are delivery rule value returned from CONTRACT NO. dropdown (provisionally) | Enhancement |
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Update in STOCK MANAGEMENT 1: Add more information in CONTRACT NO. dropdown list
2: Add BRAND column (from phy trade) before SPEC auto fill by Contract No
3: FE auto fill WH NAME with CONTRACT WH (phy trade)
4: FE auto fill BRAND and SPEC once CONTRACT NO. is chosen
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free trial user can create 20 groups now | Enhancement |
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Reallocation function in stock management page there is an action called REALLOCATION. It means move cargo from one warehouse to another warehouse. So we will add a new button called REALLOCATION to function it easily
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stock management table update
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Modify WAREHOUSE column in TRADES tab
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STOCK MANAGEMENT swap swap function is similar to reallocate function. reallocate function is to insert two row with different wh_id swap function is to insert two row with different stock_type so in swap window:
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stock mgmt table issue fixed
once you update cargo ops data, all the rows with same Contract No will change together. means delivery mode, bl no, loadport, lp etd, disport, dp eta, cc date, do date, will follow previous contract no and update accordingly | Enhancement |
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change wh_id to stock_wh_id in stock mgmt table
if wh name different in stock mgmt and new phy trade, it will show in green same for brand and spec | Enhancement |
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add two keys in stock mgmt
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new physical trade table - contract wh address empty - when change contract wh in new physical trade table, contract wh add is empty bug fixed | Enhancement |
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New app in dashboard - Unpriced Contract Schedule For contracts whose CONTRACT ACTUAL PEICE and PRICING PRICE are both blank data from physical trade: 公司名称 ENTITY OF CONTRACT 产品 PRODUCT 客户 COUNTERPARTY 合同号 CONTRACT NO. 升贴水 CONTRACT PREMIUM 作价方 PRICING PARTY 约定点价日期 PRICING DATE 约定点价合约 PRICING CONTRACT
New 未点价数量 UNPRICE QTY UNPRICE QTY = (priority: CONTRACT ACTUAL QTY > QTY) Preload is s_date and e_date, as the setting only consist Start Date and End Date | Enhancement |
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stock mgmt table empty fields bug fixed | Enhancement |
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unstock qty currently we are using stock_qty to calculate. now we change to stock_contract_qty to calculate contract qty (stock_contract_qty) in stock mgmt table should reflect in stock qty in new phy trade table in new phy trade table : unstock qty = qty - stock qty
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stock mgmt filter in table bug fixed | Enhancement |
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stock mgmt table layout bug fixed | Enhancement |
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Company level account has no permission to access settings If the account is company level and not in the group, it has no permission to access settings in GROUP MANAGEMENT ex: test2 is company level, but can’t enter the access settings in Group D - 能化部 - 塑料 Now the logic is only ADMIN in the group can enter Access settings. The new logic: Both ADMIN of the group and the Group Owner can change the access settings please remove Access Settings filter in FE. BE already handle the validation check. it is priority task and we need to push today. once it is done, please move to in process, so kelin can assist in checking. hi Kelin, view, insert and delete all has validation check in BE. only group admin and group owner can view, insert and delete (tick and untick) |
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket | ||||||||||||||||
update restriction (it means those rows have psl_id) In PSL, RECEIVE and ISSUE, both assigned and unassigned (only tables, not include allocate window), set all columns no editable except CONTRACT NO.
for insert new one, still allow user to edit before saving. | Enhancement |
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2. Add delete button in access permission table. so we can tick the row and delete | Enhancement |
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3. group - after changing parent company details not updated and translate parent group | Enhancement |
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4. in ps ledger, remove psl type column since ps ledger is meant for recording payment transactions but payment value still need return to BE | Enhancement |
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5. ps ledger - assigned/unassigned/issued/unissued drop down list | Enhancement |
Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket | ||||||||
1. ps ledger and receive (psl in access setting for assigned/unassigned dropdown list)
issue (psl in access setting for issued/unissued dropdown list)
采销资金/收票: 未分配:公司级,所有group都能看到,各个group下的人只能合并,分批或是直接认领合同号,不能修改和删除任何数据,也不能用添加行新增数据 已分配:group级别,同一group的人能看到,其他group不能看到,只能修改合同号或是取消合同号使其回到未分配里,其他数据不能修改或删除 开票: 未开票/已开票:group级别,同一group的人能看到,其他group的人不能看到 以上所有数据公司级别的人都能看到 (添加行和删除权限是否可以放给指定的账号?目前创建人可以删除存在BUG,当分批以后,创建人就变成了商务执行人员) Solution
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2. VIEW operation missing in Accession Permission tab of PSL for PSL, there are only DELETE and CREATE, type VIEW missing | Enhancement |
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3. phy trade diag check currently, it may have some portfolio pl calculation issue from phy trades. It is caused by many many reasons, so we provide a page for user to do self check.
in duplicated pricing ids: it is only to test if any duplicated pricing ids in the trades (linked to physical trade). so we only focus on Phy Pricing IDs column. please ignore other columns for this diag type.
We will have more diag types to check in the future. | Enhancement |
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4. add Accession Permission tab table in Admin page
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5. Issue - item and tax rate are empty after saving bug fixed | Enhancement |
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6. master group (has children groups) is able to access children groups data | Enhancement |
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7. Cannot generate demurrage report bug fixed | Enhancement |
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8. Cannot delete item in trade table bug fixed | Enhancement |
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9. Currently we have performance issue in dashboard. so let’s limit No. of apps loading once a time
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10. maf group hierarchy currently, MAF group only have two types:
Now in group level, we add hierarchy tree structure to maf group level. it is similar to portfolio structure. once it is done, then one group could be parent of other groups. ATM, we only support two levels groups
test case
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11. live server error in group fixed | Enhancement |
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12. make save button always loading if no reaction once click p2 In GENERAL LEDGER, OLD PHYSICAL TRADES once user clicked save button, if no response, make this button always show loading( user can’t click it again until there is response) | Enhancement |
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13. MTM update error in DEALS tab fixed. once change to company level for access permission. it should work | Enhancement |