Issue/Request | Type | User Guide | Jira Ticket |
20231218 采销预配 | Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4407 |
yearly settlement follow-up how to test use 2022 phy trade add psl (invoice and psl) with the trade (2022) add stock mgmt with the trade (2022)
then do yrly settlement in 2023. see if psl, stock date and remark update correctly. | Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4410 |
Procurement and Sales Planning accum_qty will be auto calculate and update in orm level for delete, update and insert add tab after tab Trades in new phy trade page when delete mapping rows in the lower table, could you please enable multiple select, which user is able to delete multiple row at one click PACUUM QTY, PMAIN CONTRACT NO, PCONTRACT NO … (S as well), please add space into PXXX and SXXX) put S ACCUM QTY before S MAIN CONTRACT NO enable multiple select in main table, which user is able to delete those selected rows at one click trying to insert P and S, after click confirm button, it shows save successfully, but can not see new insert row in main table. should 配对框 show 未配对数量
need to do calculation for 未配对数量. coz when user insert p and s contract, FE needs to keep update 未配对数量 to follow mapping logic. those 未配对数量 in main table. = 0 rows, should not be shown in the insert table. | Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4377 |
PSP mapping issue unmatchedQty = 可卖库存-已配对数量 e.g., phy_trade_id = 103235 可卖库存 = 合同数量(有实际数量用实际数量,无实际数量用合同数量)-对应的已出库数量 which should be 200 已配对数量: there is no mapped in psp table for trade 103235, so 已配对数量 should be 0 unmatchedQty = 200 - 0 = 200, not 0 add counterparty in both tables insert psp upper and lower tables psp main table
unmatchedQty for sale contract incorrect due to sign of qty issue.
| Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4400 |
move bal_qty of stock_mgmt into database level. currently we calcualte bal_qty in BE code lvl, which is not easy to maintain. we will create a new column called match_bal_qty in stock_mgmt. Orm layer will update match_bal_qty whenever insert, update or delete. orm layer done. we are able to get stock_bal_qty directly from database (noted that old data stock_bal_qty may be be correct, but could be update if any update with match_id row) please remove bal_qty in code level and get bal_qty (stock_bal_qty ) from database directly including in PSP table. testing, you can randomly put stock in / stock out and swap in/out with match id, see if the bal qty is correct. | Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4398 |
STOCK APPLICATION the correct flow should be application business user to click existing phy trade from top table fill up necessary info in bottom table save after save, the data will be shown in the bottom table, and stock_lvl should be AP note that the user_id should be business user_id
approval add a button APPROVE user multiple select rows in bottom table to approve pop up a window, and user is able to adjust stock qty in pop up window, e.g., STOCK application qty is 100 user is able to change to 20
click Confirm button to approve if approved qty = stock application qty update stock_lvl to EX, which will be shown in stock details table
if approved qty < stock application qty update current row stock application qty = original stock application qty - approved qty insert a new approved stock row user_id should be original user_id stock_lvl = EX stock qty = approved qty
update data should be still shown in the bottom table new insert data should be shown in the stock details table validation: approved qty can not > application qty validate in FE and BE both
1st table is phy trade table. if it is sale, then should be negative lower table is stock in/out table, should be follow stock details rule to show negative or positive
| Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4378 |
business mode and strategy mapping issue | Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4409 |
new business mode request from HT | Enhancement | | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | a6a5c91f-7975-3c4d-8f2d-6aab593771a8 |
key | MAF-4408 |