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Return to Overview

You will be able to view all the details related to your portfolio, such as portfolio information, open/closed positions and trades in this page (additional information about your portfolio, as well as the details of individual positions and trades within your portfolio).

The market data are automatically integrated from various exchange sources and are updated daily to provide the latest figures. All paper and physical trades in each portfolio will be reflected in either the 'Open Positions' or 'Closed Positions', as well as 'Trades'.

To access, click 'Portfolio' from the navigation sidebar on the left, and click 'View Portfolio'.

Click 'View' (represented by an 'eye' Image Modified icon) under 'Actions' of your desired portfolio and you will be directed to a 'View Portfolio Details' page.


Table of Contents


  • Separate - This is the default setting. If this aggregation type is selected, the system will categorise and combine all the trades with the same following details to the position:
    • Contract ('Exchange', 'Product Name', 'Contract Code')
    • Trade Type ('Benchmark', 'Potential', 'Premium')
    • Account ('Account' is case-insensitive and is one of the elements for grouping trades to position. You can fill in the 'Account' column when creating or editing your paper trades.)
  • None - If this aggregation type is selected, the trades will not be categorised and combined, and will be displayed individually.

Select Proprietary Market Data or Public Market Data


You may opt to view your portfolio P/L calculations using your proprietary market data prices (private data uploaded) or public market data prices (prices obtained from various Exchanges sources) by selecting from the drop-down list accordingly. This function is also available in certain models in Dashboard; namely,  Group P/L ModelPortfolio P/L Details ModelCounterparty Position Risk Summary and Portfolio Total P/L by Instrument Contract.

Please note that if the proprietary (private) market data for certain dates are not input here eg 1 May to 10 May price is input but not 9 May, when you select private data when viewing the portfolio and using the models in Dashboard (eg for trades with trade date on 9 May but private data is not available), the system will use the latest date's settlement price (10 May) to perform the calculations.

Date Range

Select the date range to display the trades in the all the tables; namely, OPEN POSITIONS, CLOSED POSITIONS and TRADES table accordingly. The end date will be automatically updated as today's date and start date will be 1 week before by default. Fill in your desired date and click 'Search' to display your trades accordingly. So if certain trades are not displayed, you may need to adjust the date range to view them accordingly.

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Check Total P/L

You can click on the "Diagnose" button at the top right corner of the page and the total P/L will be generated (system will calculate using a different method), allowing you to confirm that the total P/L in the portfolio is updated or still require recalculation to obtain the correct figure.

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To recalculate the portfolios, you can tick the portfolio(s) and click 'Recalculate'


if both check yes, then MAF will recalculate P/L. If no formula pricing mode or no math formula, check 1 and 2 are not valid, then wont recalculate P/L


Start Date: Select the earliest trade date to recalculate trades from.

If empty, the system will use the earliest possible trade date to perform recalculations.

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Alternatively, you may perform recalculations manually by:


For paper trades, if the trade has not been closed (eg sell 2, buy 1 so left with 1 qty), the closed quantity will appear in CLOSED POSITION table and the remaining open quantity will appear in OPEN POSITION table.

For example, buy sell LME Lead 3M contract, input trade date as 22 Nov, value date as 30 Nov; buy 10 lot at $3, sell 5 lots at $4. In portfolio, it will be displayed like this: first row will be the net buy and sales of 5 lots at $3 and $4. The remaining lots will be shown in the 2nd row.

Please refer to List of Definitions: Portfolio Details for more details.


Otherwise, you can close expired positions (paper trades only) manually in this page, by ticking the checkbox(es) of the trade(s) and clicking on 'EXPIRE POSITIONS' at the top right corner above the table, and a pop-up window will appear, reflecting the default trade date or settlement date (whichever is later) and expiration price. You may edit the date and price accordingly and click "Expire" to proceed. Once confirmed, the expiration price will appear in the EXP PRICE column in the paper trades table and portfolio (trades table) for your reference, which will be used to calculate your P/L. 

It could take a few seconds for the system to close the expired positions and you may be required to refresh the page to view the latest updates. We will add a notification to update you with the status in the near future.

FYI, the same products will use the same expiration price (for example, if you create a gold futures today and expire at settlement price $1, and create the same product the next day and expire at $2, the expiration price for all the gold futures will be $2).

Yearly Settlement Positions


The 'Trades' table is a summary of all the paper and physical trades in the portfolio (with their trade IDs etc for reference). Their overall positions have been accounted for in 'Positions' above.

Date Range

Select the date range to display the trades in the TRADES table accordingly. The end date will be automatically updated as today's date and start date will be 1 week before by default. Fill in your desired date and click 'Search' to display your trades accordingly.

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Note: "BENCHMARK" refers to the benchmark pricing you set and "POTENTIAL" refers to the mark-to-market pricing you set when creating physical trades.
