Before uploading your paper trades, we would recommend you to create new portfolio first. Thereafter, once you upload your paper trades, you can allocate the portfolio directly to the trades. This is similar to categorising the paper trades into folders, such as XX account of XX futures companies as the portfolio name.
You may choose to allocate both paper and physical trades into the same portfolio, and the system will automatically calculate the positions and P/L in each portfolio. You may choose to organise multiple child portfolios under the parent portfolio, so you can check the individual positions and P/L of each child portfolio, as well as the total positions and P/L of all the child portfolios by checking the parent portfolio.
Every physical trade with its unique Deal No. is considered a portfolio, so the physical trade will appear in the Portfolio page or under Portfolio Name column. So you may choose to allocate paper trades directly into the physical trades, or choose to create a new portfolio and allocate the paper trades and/or physical trades into the portfolio.
1. Please click on Portfolio from the navigation sidebar on the left, followed by Create Portfolio to create new portfolio.
2. Please fill in the Name of the portfolio and Settlement Currency to determine the currency for calculating the P/L in the portfolio. You will not be able to change the Settlement Currency once you save the portfolio, you may delete the portfolio and create a new portfolio as an alternative.
Please click Next, followed by Submit to create the portfolio.
Portfolio Settlement Currency: The Settlement Currency selected in Create Portfolio page is used as a base currency to calculate the positions and P/L of all the trades allocated into the portolio. If the Deal Currency of the trades are different from the base Portfolio Settlement Currency in the portfolio, they will still be calculated and displayed in the Portfolio page according to the different currencies.
Deal Currency: The Deal Currency selected in Create Physical Trades page is used as a base currency to calculate the positions and P/L of the trades allocated into the Deal Number. This could be different from Product Currency (which is set up in Pricing page of the Physical Trade page, and is automatically captured by the system based on the product you have selected). For example, if your Deal Currency is USD, Product Currency is CNY, the system will convert it to USD according to the daily exchange rate to uniformly calculate the P/L of all the trades allocated to the Deal Number.
Product Currency: Refers to the currency of the product, which will be automatically captured when select the product in the Pricing page of the Physical Trade. For example, select product Copper Cathode and its Product Currency CNY will be automatically captured.
3. After creating the portfolio, you can easily manage and organise your portfolio(s) with the portfolio hierarchy tree structure situated on the left. You can use the 'Search' bar to search for keywords for relevant portfolio to be displayed.
You can simply drag-and-drop the portfolio(s) to change its ordering, and/or place one portfolio as a child of another portfolio, as well as delete it (by clicking the 'bin' icon). You may also click to expand the drop-down list (represented by a '+' icon) next to the portfolio to view its child portfolio(s) (if any). Simply click on any portfolio and its summary will be reflected in the table on the right. Clicking on the parent portfolio will display the combined summary details of its child portfolio, so you can have an overview of the overall performance (positions and P/L) of the sub portfolios.
Please note that to place a portfolio as a child (sub-portfolio) of a parent portfolio, the parent portfolio must not contain any trades. You will not be able to add trades into a parent portfolio as a parent portfolio is used to compute the overall performance of its sub-portfolios and must be left empty (no trades added) for this purpose.
To learn more about managing/viewing portfolios, please refer to Managing Portfolio